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Mod Arctic Fuse Mod
Original Post: https://pastebin.com/Qz55pjnm
Hey everyone!

Arctic Fuse was a wildly popular skin! It offered a unique blend of aesthetics and customization that was far beyond its peers. I could go on and on about how cool it was, but I'll save the fanboyism for later haha.

This mod offers some small enhancements and bug fixes to keep up with Arctic Fuse 2

The skin can be found in my repository.
Requires Kodi Omega or higher.

Most of your widget setups should hopefully automatically transfer over from Arctic Fuse, except a few things (like the color themes, ratings, Autoclose OSD settings, etc.) which you'll have to redo, so it's best to go over all your settings and dial everything to your preferences.

Officer KD6-3.7's Repository
Kodi File Manager Source: https://officerkd637.github.io/repository.officerkd637/

Direct ZIP Install: https://officerkd637.github.io/repositor...37-1.0.zip

The required dependencies can be found in Jurial's repository.

jurialmunkey's Alpha Repository
Kodi File Manager Source: https://jurialmunkey.github.io/repository.jurialmunkey/

Direct ZIP Install: https://jurialmunkey.github.io/repositor...ey-3.4.zip

1. Enable "Unknown Sources" in Kodi Settings > System > Add-ons
2. Enable "Update official add-ons from: Any repositories" in Kodi Settings > System > Add-ons
3. Install jurialmunkey’s repository (BEFORE installing my repository) using either the zip or file manager source linked above (needed for all the dependencies).
4. Install my repository using either the zip or file manager source linked above.
5. Install the skin from my repo: Officer KD6-3.7 Repo > Look and Feel > Skins > Arctic Fuse Mod

I wholeheartedly believe that Jurial deserves the money for all the hard work he has done. None of this would have been possible without him and I'm forever grateful!
Jurial's Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jurialmunkey

Bug Reports and Feature Requests
As I am a total newbie at this, you should expect some bugs. Please report bugs and missing features by creating a new issue on github.

Additional Ratings
Ratings from IMDb, RottenTomatoes, and Metacritic require a personal OMDb API key and/or a personal MDbList API key
You can get a free key from

Enter your API key(s) in TMDbHelper settings
Skin Settings > Manage Dependencies > plugin.video.themoviedb.helper > API Keys > OMDb API Key
Skin Settings > Manage Dependencies > plugin.video.themoviedb.helper > API Keys > MDbList API Key

OMDb = Tomatoes, IMDb, Metacritic (movies), Critics consensus, Awards
MDbList = Tomatoes, IMDb, Metacritic (movies + tvshows), Letterboxd (movies)

Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
1.1 Custom info line tags (for library items and Video OSD) - HDR tags and Audio Codec/Surround Tech + Channels
    Audio Codec can be toggled off to only show audio channels and save space

Please note that Audio Surround Tech relies on your file name so can lead to some inaccurate tagging. Currently offers TRUEHD, ATMOS, DTS-X and DTS-HD (more can be added upon request) and fallbacks to 'true' Audio Codecs (like EAC3, FLAC, AAC, etc.) for other cases





1.2 Custom info line tags (for add-on/non-library items) - 'WEB' replaced with DBType


2. Multiline titles

Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
3. Redesigned Spotlight


4. Toggle for Discover & Explore widget styles (Poster & Landscape)

5.1 Info trailers switch to full screen after 20s of user inactivity

5.2 Video OSD added to the Trailer Fullscreen window

6. [EXPERIMENTAL] Auto trailers in home with custom delay settings (default is 5s). Will not work with random widgets since Kodi will refresh the widget on playback start/stop.


The video is going to look stuttery because of the screen recording

LINK: https://streamable.com/qi77n8

And many more small changes!

If you have any specific requests, please feel free to comment and I'll try to get to them asap!

Thank you!
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
Very Nice. 

I'm interested in how you got the audio codec and the channels in the same box in the first pic in section 1.1.   I was able to get them into two separate boxes, but when I tried to combine them, I ended up with an empty info section Smile
Maven's Omega 21 nightly (arm64-v8a), nVidia Shield Pro 2019 SE 9.1.1+Hotfix (, Samsung Q8FN, Synology DS1821+ DSM 7.2.2-72803
On DTS-X and Atmos are you checking for both audio codec and filename string?  For instance, we know in order to have dts-x you also need to have a codec of dtshd_ma.  Atmos will need TrueHD or eac3 of course.

Something like this:
Quote:String.Contains($PARAM[container]ListItem.FileNameAndPath,dts-x) + String.IsEqual($PARAM[container]ListItem.AudioCodec,dtshd_ma)

Right now I'm just doing the filename string because I know my stuff is pretty accurate, but was thinking I should also check the audio codec for at least some error checking.
Maven's Omega 21 nightly (arm64-v8a), nVidia Shield Pro 2019 SE 9.1.1+Hotfix (, Samsung Q8FN, Synology DS1821+ DSM 7.2.2-72803
So glad you like it @AngryBird !

Yes that sounds like a great idea! Adding those AudioCodec conditions could definitely make things more accurate if the user hasn't tagged/named the files correctly.

The way I got them both inside a single tag is by first creating the label variable that checks for the audio codec conditions.
Here's a simple example:
<variable name="ListItem_Audio_Surround_Codec">
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.FileNameAndPath,truehd)">TRUEHD</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.FileNameAndPath,dts-x) + String.Contains(ListItem.AudioCodec,dtshd_ma)">DTS-X</value>

The last value is the fallback (like FLAC, EAC3, AAC, etc.). You can add as many conditions (like ATMOS, DD+, etc.) inside the variable as needed.

Then use this as the label
<label>$VAR[ListItem_Audio_Surround_Codec] $VAR[Label_ListItem_AudioChannels] </label>

The second variable (Label_ListItem_AudioChannels) is something that Jurial has already created so it should work by default.

Let me know if this works!
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
Excellent, thank you Sir.

Maven's Omega 21 nightly (arm64-v8a), nVidia Shield Pro 2019 SE 9.1.1+Hotfix (, Samsung Q8FN, Synology DS1821+ DSM 7.2.2-72803
For anyone else here is an example of the Atmos condition that I used:

<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.FileNameAndPath,atmos) + [String.Contains(ListItem.AudioCodec,truehd) | String.Contains(ListItem.AudioCodec,eac3)]">ATMOS</value>

Basically, if filename contains atmos AND (audiocodec = truehd OR eac3) then use ATMOS to fill the variable
Maven's Omega 21 nightly (arm64-v8a), nVidia Shield Pro 2019 SE 9.1.1+Hotfix (, Samsung Q8FN, Synology DS1821+ DSM 7.2.2-72803
(2024-11-03, 10:51)Officer KD6-3.7 Wrote: 3. Redesigned Spotlight


4. Toggle for Discover & Explore widget styles (Poster & Landscape)

5.1 Info trailers switch to full screen after 20s of user inactivity

5.2 Video OSD added to the Trailer Fullscreen window

6. [EXPERIMENTAL] Auto trailers in home with custom delay settings (default is 5s). Will not work with random widgets since Kodi will refresh the widget on playback start/stop.


The video is going to look stuttery because of the screen recording

LINK: https://streamable.com/qi77n8

And many more small changes!

If you have any specific requests, please feel free to comment and I'll try to get to them asap!

Thank you!
Amazing stuff. Can you, please, provide the zip file to update the ones we have on our kodi setup?
Better yet, why not create a repository with the modded version of AF1?
That looks awesome @AngryBird ! So glad you got it working!

Sorry for the late reply @Rf67 !
Been a bit busy with work but I'll try to get a zip ready by Sunday and then once my work stuff frees up a bit, I'll create a GitHub repo too.

Thank you so much for your patience and support! More cool stuff coming soon!
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
I'm the one who should be thankfull and gratefull, man. Be sure to include all possible mods as you remember
Thanks, Rui
Hello everyone!

Here's the first WIP version of Arctic Fuse Mod (link expires in 7 days): https://we.tl/t-ZWcLFUcGB4

This won't overwrite your AF1 setup and will install as a separate skin. Fortunately, you won't have to remake your AF1 widgets!

There might be a few hiccups (like the colors, ratings, Autoclose OSD settings, etc. from AF1 might get reset) which you'll have to redo, so it's best to go over all your settings and dial everything to your preferences.

Some notes and other small changes since my last post:

1. New fonts and ratings icons ported from AF2

2. Collection icon in the info line to signify when a movie "belongs to a collection".
Some 3rd party plugins don't set the ListItem.Set property correctly (so it doesn't work on AF2 as well, but it's the addon's fault not the skin), hence I had to use a TMDb Helper property as a workaround to have consistent results between widgets from TMDb Helper vs other addons. 

3. Detailed video info (resolution, audio & video codecs, aspect ratio, audio channels) added to the info screen under 'Version'.
Also currently watching TV Shows/Seasons (watchedepisdoes > 0) now show 'watched out of total' episodes in the info screen.

4. You can find the toggle for audio codecs under 'Settings >Interface > Display audio codec in info line'

5.  If you have the 'Search & Options' settings enabled, you'll find a new 'Home > Up' setting under 'Settings > Navigation'. This will toggle between 'Bump' or 'Search/Discover'. This setting allows you to go to the Search/Discover hub when you click up from your topmost widget. 

6. You can change the Discover & Explore hub widget styles (only when Replace Search with Discover is enabled) under 'Settings > Menus'. You can choose either Poster or Landscape

7. You'll find the 'Multiline Titles (Small only)' setting under 'Settings > Behaviour'

8. To enable auto trailers in home you need to have info trailers enabled as well. Set the trailer start delay accordingly.
(Please note that this setting won't work with random widgets).

Other small bug fixes and enhancements!

Let me know what you guys think! And please feel free to let me know about any bugs or post more ideas here (no matter how niche they seem to be haha) and I will try to add them to the next version!

Thank you!
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
It will copy the widgets of AF1?
(2024-11-11, 01:01)Rf67 Wrote: It will copy the widgets of AF1?

It doesn't copy the widgets per se, but both AF and AF Mod use the same skin variables nodes folder. So any widgets you set up on either of them will reflect on both the skins (and it works both ways - so if you make any changes to your setup in AF Mod and go back to AF, it will have the new widgets and vice versa. If you can't see the changes, just go to the 'Customize widgets' screen and hit 'Rebuild').
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
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