Req dear TEAM KODI,when audio passthrough,make dts-hd sound track volume adjustable
dear TEAM KODI,firstly KODI player is great ,take my breath away.when select audio passthrough in windows 11,computer volume controller won't work,i have receiver which has no volume controller,therefore playing movie with dolby or dts will always get the maximum volume,would you power up to make audio passthrough 's audio volumn[dts,dolby] controllable,like truehd,also,make music [flac,wave,ape]volumn adjustable in passthrough mode
when passthrough is enabled kodi sends the audio as-is to the receiver and that's the point of using passthrough

if kodi controls the audio volume it has to process it first which is not passthrough and negates the point of passthrough

use of passthrough is to avoid any and all modifications and simply "pass" it "through" to the receiver
Exactly, passthrough mean exactly that, it is passed through unalterred. For Kodi to control the volume then Kodi has to decode the audio, so to do that you'll need to disable passthrough, however assuming your HDMI out is capable of Multichannel LPCM there should be no discernible loss of quality. Where decodong to LPCM might be a problem is for anything with Atmos or DTS:X as the height channels will be lost, for example if it's 7.1.4 Atmos you'll get the 7.1 channels out via LPCM but not the 4 height channels.
dear,however ,when playing truehd, i can adust volume in KODI audio settings
Then you are not getting the orginal audio supplied from the media file via passthrough, it's being decoded somewhere and then being re-encoded back to TrueHD.
KODI has a awesome feature,enable dolby transcoding which allow music[lpcm,ape,wave] etc to passthrough to reciever,to my disappointment,when playing music[ape,flac] ,KODI has no volume controller too.
dear jjd-uk,i got the orinigal blu-ray movie,perhaps owe to my receiver has not supported truehd decoding,only supported dolby decoding
Kodi volume control works fine here on all music formats ( except anything Dolby or DTS), so it sounds like something is not right with your PC audio settings.
Let's see a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum

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dear TEAM KODI,when audio passthrough,make dts-hd sound track volume adjustable0
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