Android G96 TV Stick - Kodi app not installed
When I try to install the Kodi application in Google Play, a message appears at the end that the application has not been installed. Similarly, it installs the .apk installation file from the website. And the same in Aptoide TV ( with different versions from 17 to 21). The same with .apk installation from USB pendrive.
G96 TV Stick 8K specifications: Android 13, RAM 2gb, ROM 16gb, wifi 5 2.4G/5G, B 5.0, CPU Quad Core 64bit Cortex-A53 Mali-450 MP2. Can you help me to explain it and resolve?
Hi, I have the same device and I'm having the same problem. I will follow up on the request in case I find a way to resolve it.
I have the same problem. They say it would be enough to change the signature of the Kodi app. I tried other versions of Kodi and two worked for me, but again there is a problem with Python. It's a very old version.
Please has anyone solved it? I don't know what to do anymore.
Search Kodi fork has different signature and Kodi 20 fork WORKS!!! The DCMC Kodi alternative could also be used. The link just doesn't work, find it on google.
@Karellen - Link removed

@Karellen -removed
(2024-12-25, 23:59)Softmi Wrote: Edit

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did you manage to install kodi?
Kodi v20.1 Dark MOD v1.0

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