v21 Playback of HEVC files fails on RasPi4
I have a Raspberry Pi4 4GB.
Recently updated to LibreElec 12.0.1 (RPi4.aarch64) with Kodi 21.1.0.
With the previous version and current version I have the problem that 1080p HVEC movies start playing, but within a few seconds stop.
Picture is then frozen for 10-20 seconds and then I get thrown back to the previous screen.
Movie is hosted from a Synology DS218+ with DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 4 through NFS shares.

Log file can be found here: https://paste.kodi.tv/cinukugati.kodi
First error I see is:
2024-12-18 18:41:53.518 T:1297    error <general>: Read - Error( -4, read call failed with "Command was cancelled" )
2024-12-18 18:41:53.518 T:1297    error <general>: Process - <nfs://> source read failed with -4!

Is this a network issue?
Strange thing is that I have no problem with any other type of movie, only HEVC.
Tried some other things:
- copied the movie to a USB drive and inserted that into the RasP: played back without a glitch.
- opened the NFS share in VLC for Android on my phone: played back without a glitch.

So it seems related to NFS (or SMB) on the RasPi.
A bit more information on that:
NFS version is set to 3.
Chunk size was 128 KB, set it to 1 MB, but problem persists.
(2024-12-18, 21:21)User194 Wrote: Chunk size was 128 KB, set it to 1 MB, but problem persists.
Did you try smaller?
Yes, set it now to 16KB, now it is better. Did still fail once though.
Did a bit of reading, I understand how a smaller chunk size can improve it.
On the other hand I can't understand that this only happens with 1080p HEVC and not with x264 files which are almost 10 times bigger.
What's the difference on NFS level?
(2024-12-22, 12:30)User194 Wrote: Yes, set it now to 16KB, now it is better. Did still fail once though.
Did a bit of reading, I understand how a smaller chunk size can improve it.
On the other hand I can't understand that this only happens with 1080p HEVC and not with x264 files which are almost 10 times bigger.
What's the difference on NFS level?
Probably down to ffmpeg requesting larger file reads for the hevc file. And Synology is not able to handle large reads.

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