v21 How to remove " - Disc: 1" after album name in Kodi OSD?
This issue has been present as long as I can remember.  It's mildly annoying, so I thought I would try to resolve it.
I'm using the latest stable build of Kodi on an Nvidia Shield, with 'Aeon Nox: Silvo' skin.

When I listen to music, I typically click the main button to display the track info continuously over the Artist Slideshow background.

Currently, it is showing:

Patti Smith
16. We Three Kings
A Very Special Christmas 3 - Disc: 1 [1997]
01:xx / 05:47
christmas - mp3 - 192 kbps - 32 bit - 44.1 kHz

Every track shows the Disc# with the album information, regardless of how many discs there are.

Is there a way to prevent this from being displayed... or only display it when the album contains more than 1 disc?


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