25th Century Top 1000 Movies - smartplaylist
21st Century list of the best 1000 snarfed from. I had my issues with the older 1000 movies you must have before you die, with inclusions like Plan 9 & Pink Flamingo's;  most are older, so this is a bit of a newer take. I couldn't come up with a good poster, great if someone might contribute.

The exclusions are these TV shows.
Twin Peaks: The Return [TV]
O.J.: Made in America [TV]
Li'l Quinquin [TV]
Wire, The [TV]
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts [TV]

I take no responsibility, tested it seems to work. The listing is simplified by excluded dates, and if your movie name doesn't match the title, you'll have to edit your movie title or the listing in the smartplaylist for it to show up. Save this as "25th Century.xsp" with your favourite editor and place it in the Userdata folder playlists/video, enter Kodi and select the listing in smartplaylists (or make it a favourite). Obviously if you don't have the movie in your personal library, it isn't going to show up. P.S. this is big playlist and some systems may have issues, if this is the case break it into two sections.


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