Solved Install issues on Raspberry Pi 5 8GB

So I just got a Pi5 for christmas and I trying to install Kodi on it but I'm running in to an issue.

I flash the system on to my SD-card and plug it in. The initial boot sequense starts, everything looks like it should. But once it starts Kodi i get graphics errors and no real picture. I get a square that reminds me of the intital setup box (ive installed Kodi before) and a square that moves like highligthing different options. I also get the clicking sound from moving around in the menues. No text at all and also veritcal lines all over the screen.

I've tried bot Librelec and Xbian and get the same resultat, although with Xbian I get the Kodi Logo animation (with disorted colors and lines) before I get to what I describe above.

My initial tought was that the Pi was broken, but as I said, I get a normal looking picture until Kodi starts.

I've tried both HDMI-ports and also different cabels with the same result.

Does anyone recognize this or have any Ideas?
If you suspect the Pi, then try installing the generic Raspberry Pi OS and see if that boots.

But first thing to confirm is how are you powering the Pi5?
It requires somewhat more juice than older Pi's, and so you need a decent power supply (ideally the official Pi Foundation one) otherwise you could have all sorts of fun and games if things are underpowered.
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So I tested the generic OS. Works fine. 

The power supply is ha 5,1V/5A output so should be fine?
Use the latest LibreELEC 12 nightly build (currently 20241223) from here:

so long,

That worked like a charm! Thank you!
Thread marked solved.
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Install issues on Raspberry Pi 5 8GB0
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