Album count
Does anyone know what would cause the album count to be less than the actual total number of Albums. I checked the db file and the correct number is there. I use Picard to tag and have checked all files. Any help please ?
(2024-12-25, 22:49)LivingInthepast Wrote: Does anyone know what would cause the album count to be less
Where are you seeing the other count?
And how much of a difference?
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In the directory I tested it's 163 albums scanned in but in the Kodi stats line it's 152. It's multiple skins showing this. There is 163 albums in the directory.
Maybe you have multi-disc albums in your file system that are being combined in Kodi?
If not, we'd need to see the MyMusicDB to check.
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That's been checked already. I retagged everything in Picard and no change. It also doesn't match the number of multi discs. However if it is the case how does it appear correct in one part but not others ?
What would I be looking for in the DB to identify where the issue is ? It has the correct amount of albums in the db itself.
(2024-12-26, 00:20)LivingInthepast Wrote: What would I be looking for in the DB to identify where the issue is ?
I would start off by checking the album count in the album table of the database. But you have already done that and found it matches the folder count.
I would then compare that database list to what is displayed in Kodi to find the missing entries and figure out why they are not listed. Chances are when you find the reason for the first one, most or all will be missing for the same reason.

Other than that, maybe @black_eagle might know off the top of his head.
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Great. Thank you. I will check when I'm home and if I find an fix I will post it here.
Just to clarify ALL the albums appear in Kodi. It's only the stats that are wrong.
(2024-12-25, 23:55)LivingInthepast Wrote: In the directory I tested it's 163 albums scanned in but in the Kodi stats line it's 152.
What do you mean by stats line? Is it the item count at the top of the UI?
Yes that's what I mean. Sorry to confuse.
Actually better clarify more. Items in node is the correct amount but the counter for overall albums is wrong. The number of songs is correct btw.

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