Recommend/request additional note on wiki page.
I was thoroughly reading the how to on editing keymaps

It occurs to me there is really no direct mention that the keymap file it's telling you to edit doesn't actually exist until you create it,  even though it does hint at it.

Noting where the advanced settings wiki says this way at the top
Quote:Note: The advancedsettings.xml file does not exist by default. You have to create it first!

I think it would be beneficial to add the same note on the keymap wiki stating it does not exist by default, it might save *some users from looking for it.
I'll have a look at it soon.
Do you have a wiki account? It is pretty easy to edit the wiki.
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(2024-12-30, 01:10)Karellen Wrote: Do you have a wiki account? It is pretty easy to edit the wiki.

sure don't, set me one up and i'd be happy to make the addition Smile
Ok, PM me your details...
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