Req Option or skin-var to confine player OSD to active movie area instead of screen area
I would like to setup the player OSD to not be placed in the "black bar" area of the screen.

The motivation comes from using a cinescope projector screen with a DCI-4K projector.
When watching cinescope movies (or anything with a wider aspect ratio than 2:1) the black bars in the video signal get removed by my video processor.
Problems arise when the player OSD is displayed as it will be positioned relative to the screen's frame inside the black bars.
The video processor's "large" black bar detection turns off, but due to the black background of the player OSD it's "small" black bar detection actives and removes almost all of the seek bar, etc.

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Option or skin-var to confine player OSD to active movie area instead of screen area0
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