OS X Problem with Kodi 21 on Mac OS
Hello please help what is problem on my Mac OS Sonoma:

Video play 2s and stop, or no play any have two macbooks and one is no problem and on another i have this problem please help me...

Here is log file: 
The forum moderators have determined that banned addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.
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Kodi Blog Posts
I dont understand what i must do? Please help me.
You have one repo and two addons which violate our piracy policy (wiki). They're the ones in orange in your log:

2025-01-05 11:28:00.064 T:7966     info <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddons: plugin.video.stream-cinema v2.3.09.1+k19 installed
2025-01-05 11:28:00.065 T:7966     info <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddons: plugin.video.stream-cinema-2-release v2.4.2 installed
2025-01-05 11:28:00.065 T:7966     info <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddons: repository.hacky v1.0.9 installed

Whilst those are installed, your device is not supported here. If you want help, they have to go.
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Kodi Blog Posts
besides, what you have provided is not a debug log

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