Backing up an add on
I have a raspberry pi 3 running Nexus and have been advised to back up one of my video add ons, I can't seem to find how to do this. Some advice on how too do this step by step please.
Many thanks
You could simply create a full Kodi backup. Achieving this depends a little bit on the system in use. Most likely you are able to SSH to your RPI. After SSHed into it, do something like: 

cp -R ~/.kodi ~/kodi-backup

The command above mght be incorrect. If you tell us which OS you are using on your RPi, then I can share matching commands. 

For LibreELEC it has to be: 

cp -R /storage/.kodi /storage/kodi-backup

as I'm not too sure if LE will understand ~ for the home-folder and /storage/ is LEs home folder.

You could attach a thumb-drive and copy the folder and all its subfolders to that drive. That makes a full Kodi backup. 

If you really want to backup the data of a specific addon.... SSH to the RPI as well. Navigate to your .kodi folder. Under this folder there is a userdata-folder and under this a addon_data-folder which contains subfolders for each add-on you installed. Copying this to a save location would achieve creating a backup of a specific add-on.
(2025-01-06, 20:40)DaVu Wrote: as I'm not too sure if LE will understand ~ for the home-folder and /storage/ is LEs home folder.

It does. ~ in LE contains the .kodi sub-folder as in other versions.
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