v21 Performance issue

Since the last major upgrade to omega, my kodi player is very very slow.
Most of the skin do not work smoothly(I was using eminence before).

When ending a file, it takes a long time to exit the video. Something proportional to the video duration.(the longer the video, the longer I have to wait in the end)
I'm also getting plenty of "waiting for server" after playing a video.

1080 video do not work anymore.

Ok, I have only a RPI2B, but until now, it was working without major issues.

Is there somewhere tips to speed up kodi ? I didn't change my habit, so I'm surprised by the massive impact on performance.

Do you have any tips ?
Kodi doesn't support hardware decoding on the Raspberry Pi by itself, external patches are required to make it work (Not sure about RPi5, but definitely for older RPi), Those patches are usually integrated by distributions like LibeELEC, etc. So your best chance is probably to approach the provider of your Kodi version.
Thanks for the feedback.

I'm using osmc, didn't think it was that causing issues because when I top in console, kodi uses plenty of ressources, especially while not playing stuff.

Will dig a bit more.
You could do a fast check.

Rename your .kodi folder and restart Kodi. That will get you a vanilla Kodi. Then check top. If it looks "normal" then make a proper diff between the actual and the renamed .kodi folder. Add-ons running in background might also stress Kodi while not playing any videos.

If it doesn't look normal I'd also recommend to ask OSMC support. Even the newest RPi2 was released 8 years ago and I guess every device has its end Wink

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