Thoughts On Nature of Problem
I'm not sure I'm having an issue with Kodi per say, but thought I'd see if anyone else is experiencing this and had a suggestion.

I'm running LibreElec on four (4) different Raspberry Pi 4s and have them plugged into several different brand displays, Panasonic, NEC and LGs, have been for years.  On the Panasonic displays (both the one I currently have and the one it replaced) and the NEC display the remote/HDMI CEC functions work flawlessly, no issues at all.   On the LG displays, both those I have now and the ones they replaced, I can get the remote/HDMI CEC to function after a reboot or power reset however as soon as I switch the display to another input the HDMI CEC functions stop working until I reset the Raspberry Pi again. Initially I thought this was a display issue but they don't exhibit this problem when switching between other device inputs such as going between the Bluray players and TV input, just the Raspberry Pi running Kodi.  This is has only been an minor irritation for sometime as the LG displays are in bedrooms and stay on the Kodi input most of the time, but I'm considering upgrading HT display to LG OLED TV and Raspberry Pi 5s but wondering in if this is a problem with all LG displays?  I looked through all the display and Kodi settings, fiddled with a couple but nothing seems to changes this behavior.

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?  Any thoughts one whether this is a Kodi settings issue, display settings issue or something endemic to the LG displays and the Raspberry Pi/Kodi combination.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
No too familiar with CEC tbh, but I somewhat guess that this might be an OS related problem.

I've had other problems with LE in the past and I'll also need at least to restart Kodi to get it working.

Maybe restarting Kodi would help you as well. If so, we could try to implement/change a button on the skin shutdown menu to perform a Kodi-system restart rather than a full system reboot.

But in the end....that's only a workaround and not a fix. For a fix, I'd suggest to ask at the LE forums or maybe @hiasoft is reading Wink

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