cant save nintendo games
Hello, I've been playing Mario Bros 1-3, but save games don't work.

2025-01-18 12:16:37.771 T:1161    debug <general>: HandleKey: 11 (0xb, obc244) pressed, window 10829, action is Select 2025-01-18 12:16:37.771 T:1161    debug <general>: Loading savestate from special://home/saves/Super Mario Bros. (Asia) (En) (LB35) (Pirate).nes/20250118_111636.sav 2025-01-18 12:16:37.771 T:1161    error <general>: Failed to open savestate file special://home/saves/Super Mario Bros. (Asia) (En) (LB35) (Pirate).nes/20250118_111636.sav
This is Kodi 21.1 on LibreELEC running on an RPi4.

Super Mario Kart and other SNES games work fine, but not my beloved Nintendo 8-bit games.
Let me know if you'd like help troubleshooting the issue!
Uh oh, we can't have 8-bit games not work! We'll figure this out.

It could be a savestate size issue. If a new version of the core changes its savestate format, and the size grows or shrinks, then it can't be loaded in the new version.

It could be a path issue. Do savestates exist in a different location?

It could be an issue specific to the emulator. Which one did you use? Have you tried others? Some may not show up for VFS files on network shares on in zips.

A complete debug log may also show the issue, or at least help me reproduce.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
hi! I never picked emulator so whatever is "default" i got.
seems to be : ADDON: Dll Initializing - Nintendo - NES / Famicom (Nestopia UE)  

i do have this dir, /storage/.kodi/userdata/Savestates
also i dont use anything special, standard rpi4 libreelec install on sd card
Can you post a debug log? I'll see if I can see what the problem is.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
yes here it comes

thanks for looking into this!
At the link I just see "not found"
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
sorry! here it is
did you find any time clues?
The link still says "not found". Can you use the Log Uploader add-on in Program Add-ons to grab a debug log? Make sure to enable debug logging in the settings.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
ok sorry. the link was up 1 week, 
use this link its permanent

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