How can I make .ISO and .MP4 files appear when browsing music?
I have music files that are stored in file types that are not displayed when browsing music, such as .ISO and .MP4. Is there a way for me to change the file types that the Music category includes?

I do not need to use libraries, as there are over 400,000 files of a variety of types and quality that are already organized on the file system. I just want to be able to see all the currently hidden file types when browsing a music source.

Add this to your advancesettings.xml:

Mka not needed it’s already defined in Kodi as a music file extension. MKV if you want videos in your music library.
Thank you! This has been a problem for me for years, and I appreciate the solution.
One small problem... Now Kodi opens ISO files to see the contents rather than playing the ISO. Do you have any suggestion as to how to fix that? I have SACD, DVD-Audio, and Bluray Audio discs in ISO format.

I ended up making the change to the Video category in the <videoextensions> section instead of <musicextensions>, since Video is able to play ISO files.

I added the music file types there, so now I can make a Favorite of my Music directory on the NAS, and when I browse it, it will display and play all of the types of music files that I have, including ISO and MP4. As a bonus, it will also play my music video collection.


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