Solved Filename no extension, getting a number back?
I discovered this was added in v19, so here I am to try and use it.


                    <item id="900418">
                        <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Filename) + !String.IsEqual(ListItem.Property(item.type),person)</visible> <!-- Don't show if person -->

I've also tried it with both being ListItem.FileNameNoExtension both return "1535" instead of the filename of the video. If I revert it back to just Filename, works like i never touch it and all good... I had "back in action.mp4"... I'm expecting "back in action" but instead I'm getting "1535".

Any ideas?
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Still trying to sort this one out, any ideas? Suggestions?
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
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It looks like FileNameNoExtension returns DBID.
Likely doesn't help but that's what I see being returned...
(2025-02-04, 06:24)mikeSiLVO Wrote: It looks like FileNameNoExtension returns DBID.
Likely doesn't help but that's what I see being returned...

But that is not the intent correct? 

It should be "MyFile.mp4" as "MyFile"

Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
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Sounds like it could be a bug as just going by the infolabel name that would not seem to be the intent, and there infolabel ListItem.DBID for the DBID. You could try going back a few releases to if it's ever worked the way you expect.
Shortly after posting something in the far back recesses of mind was triggered, and that is the $INFO[ListItem.FileNameNoExtension] only works on files not in the libraary database. I've just confirmed that seem to be the case for me:

File not in Library - working



Neither or gives any clue whether current state of only working for items not in Libraery is correct or not.
I went back to v19 and tested with that also, and that's the same, so I can only guess that working for only items not in Library is intended.
(2025-02-04, 18:10)jjd-uk Wrote: so I can only guess that working for only items not in Library is intended.

I wouldn't think it's intended. ListItem.FileName works in the Library so you would expect ListItem.FilenameNoExtension to also work in the Library. Seems like a bug to me.
Well it was added in v19 and looks like it's always behaved that way since I tested with v19. But it could be worth a Github issue to get one of the devs to take a look.
It is strange, I'm not getting thread notifications on anything I've subscribed to.... is there a problem in the forum?
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Created a bug report here:
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
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I see it was confirmed this would have never worked for Library items, however the good news is it was a trival fix and this has already been applied to v22 via

Wasn't soon enough to make todays Nightly builds for v22 so will be in the next one.
Thanks Mike for identifying the issue. So most won't see it until the next release.

Mike, how do you handle this, that is a long time away since 21.2 just came out, do you skin it in and hope people update? Do you wait?
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
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You could ask on the issue if it would be possible to do a backport to Omega branch for any future 21.3 although it seems debatable whether this was a bug or a new feature, and we almost never backport new features.
(2025-02-07, 14:17)jjd-uk Wrote: You could ask on the issue if it would be possible to do a backport to Omega branch for any future 21.3 although it seems debatable whether this was a bug or a new feature, and we almost never backport new features.

I'm ok with whatever they do, I was more thinking of from skin deployment... I planned on having an <item> just show the filename with no extension, but if older Kodi is active, then it would just be blank or the number I imagine. I'm on Roidy's side of this, the docs do not specify that it is only for non-library items and classified as a ListItem just like filename, there is no delineation between operating modes of ListItem.Filename vs. ListItem.Filenamenoextension, so to me, it just seems like an oversight bug that nobody really cared about i.e. skinners. 

But I see your point, I'm just trying to sort out how I handle this field and minimum requirements when I push an update out... people will think it's broken, when it isn't... so do I wait a year until people all update, or do I roll it out and have it be a poor user experience, that is really what is driving the question.
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
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: Replacing Embruary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%

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