addon-checker workflow fails on import lib2to3
I opened a PR the other day against repo-plugins and found that addon-checker failed with this mesage:

File "/home/runner/.local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/kodi_addon_checker/", line 10, in
from lib2to3 import pgen2, refactor # pylint: disable=deprecated-module
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib2to3'

It looks like the repo-plugin's workflow is now using python 3.13, but lib2to3 has been removed in this version.
How and where can I report this issue?
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I confirmed this and posted something in the team Slack.  I unfortunately can't fix it, but at least now there are two places someone who can fix it might see this.
I ran into this and it's probably your github action being set up a while ago, as mine was.

I changed mine to this :

And all is good again.

Comes from:

Not sure when it changed (vs how I used to have it - - but if you follow the current docs, it works.  Well, does for me!
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addon-checker workflow fails on import lib2to30
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