AC3 with Turtle Beach Santa Cruz

Im running Beta 1 and Im having problems playing video with multichannel sound, both DVD-images as well as avi's with AC3 sound.

My sound card is a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz and in the sound card's control panel I have chosen the "Versajack" to output digital sound to my DD/DTS-capable receiver. This works with PowerDVD as well as with TVedia (an old discontinued media center software - I think it's based on DirectShow filters) but not with XBMC. The video starts playing but no sound and after 10-20s the video freezes. I have sound output set to "digital" as well as DD and DTS capable reciever ticked in XBMC.

When playing an AC3-avi in VLC with SPDIF checked I get stuttering sound if thats any indication.

Any suggestions of what to try? Are there any more settings I need to play with?

When running TVedia I think I hade to install ffdshow or something like that, can that mess things up?

Grateful for any help.

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