Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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I forgot to mention that in Spain, you normally find this kind of certification on the back of DVDs/BDs:

- Apta para todos los públicos
- No recomendada para menores de 7 años
- No recomendada para menores de 12 años
- No recomendada para menores de 16 años
- No recomendada para menores de 18 años
Kodi 19 + Arctic: Zephyr Reloaded
nVidia SHIELD 2017 + WD My Book
LG OLED65B8PLA + LG SP11RA 7.1.4

suddenly, scrapping from THEMOVIEDB is not working.

Is it something general or a problem of mine?

My movie database just went empty today too. I tried UniversalMovie and the library repopulated (but it's not a great scraper). My guess is a server issue on their end?

In case it matters, I'm in the US running 15.2 with mysql, update library on startup, and I did restart the system this afternoon.
Changed API themoviedb, scrapers was update, need wait for appear available on kodi repo.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
working again for me, thanks
Hi! I´m getting an "unable to connect to remote server. Would you like to continue scanning"? and I'm noticing that my tv shows are not being updated until I do it manually. Any ideas? I'm with Isengard 15.2

I get a lot of time outs since last week, effectively stooping the refresh of the Movie repository

Looking at the network, it seems like, the performance of TMDb over there new (?) cloud ray is resulting in a higher response time - cloud ray response 502 or 404.

If I run a different scapper (3rd party), all works fine.
Hi! I'm new to Kodi and posting to the forums (So bear with me if I've selected the wrong board). I have a 3 part question. The first is "How to I tell the Scraper to reload my Movie List after I've made XML changes to the DVDid and Title info in my file path? I've tried everything I can think of and have resorted to uninstalling and reinstalling Kodi. My second question is "What is the best website to lookup DVDid and Title info?" I use AnyDVD to rip my DVD's and I suspect it has loaded some incorrect DVDid and Title info to the XML file because when the Scraper loads my movie list it picks out some bogus artwork for some other movie. I've been looking up DVD info from It gets tedious searching individually by DVD title. I also find multiple DVDid's for the same title (DVD, Blue Ray, Wide Screen, Special edition, etc.). The third question is "Does it really matter what DVDid I choose if it's just selecting artwork?". Thanks!
I get since a few days always the error it can't connect to the server.
Is there an update needed of the scraper plugin?
I'm not getting any movie ratings showing as I did with Kodi Jarvis (just installed Krypton on android). Used to show up on "Fanart" view. Any ideas?
Indicators set to Trakt (& still signed in to Trakt ).

Since update 3.9.4 and new API changes, list of cast memberst with control ID 50 on DialogVideoInfo.xml has no longer working.

EDIT : Fixed with updating to 2.15.0
 Estuary MOD V2 
When will this issue be resolved via auto update?

I'm running a Milhouse LE test build and he recommended asking here for an answer to my question:

My Kodi shows version 3.9.5 but the cast info still does not get scraped.
I've just started getting a 'Unable to connect to server' when running the 'scan for update' to scrape new movies?!
Anybody know what could be wrong? I really didn't do anything, it just happened one evening for no apparent reason! :-(
Make sure you have the lasted add-on versions installed...

Update your repository...

I should also add... It will more than likely help if you remove the banned add-ons.
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What banned addons?
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