Visualisation in Home Screen (PM3.HD)
long time reader, first time poster,

i know there seems to be rendering issues with having visualisations in the home screen (in the background while the menu is there, which is why they dont show up) ... but i'd like to know what these rendering issues are, if they occur on ALL the visualisations or just certain "precessor-intensive ones" And is there a plan to fix this issue in the short or long term ... or if this is a done deal ?

Its pretty much just projectm which used to be the default now that its not the default anymore I'll look into adding it (Visualisation in Home Screen (PM3.HD) )
FYI Smile
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Jezz_X Wrote:Its pretty much just projectm which used to be the default now that its not the default anymore I'll look into adding it (Visualisation in Home Screen (PM3.HD) )

Thanks !

and great work btw !!
Just a heads up ... not sure if you've noticed this ...

i un-commented out the code for the visualizations in the home-screen but they dont show up ... they'll only show up briefly when changing from one section to another (moving from MUSIC to VIDEO's for example) but then the pictures fade back and cover the visualizations.

dont know if you've fixed this already... or if its just me ... ??
Because it needed a little more code than just uncommenting that bit
If you check out this Coverflow Mod I did here it has a working vis in home screen
Jezz_X Wrote:Its pretty much just projectm which used to be the default now that its not the default anymore I'll look into adding it (Visualisation in Home Screen (PM3.HD) )

Re: Visualisation in Home Screen (PM3.HD) on XBOX
Is there any way to turn this behaviour off? I only want a vis to play when I choose full screen mode, not when at the Home screen.
It makes the rss feed jerky with a vis playing in the Home screen and I often need a break from all those colours and motion. If I turn visualisations off I get a black Home screen background and that's fugly.
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Did anyone figure out how to change this yet? I used to be able to do it on the xbox by pressing white or black on the controller... I have been right through the keymap and lirc xml files and cant figure it out.

fuggin Wrote:Re: Visualisation in Home Screen (PM3.HD) on XBOX
Is there any way to turn this behaviour off? I only want a vis to play when I choose full screen mode, not when at the Home screen.
It makes the rss feed jerky with a vis playing in the Home screen and I often need a break from all those colours and motion. If I turn visualisations off I get a black Home screen background and that's fugly.

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