Excalibur Scraper - Near to be the best (after little help) for +18 Adult Movies
i noticed a few issues when feeding some movies in this scraper. check with "Momma Knows Best". for some reason it does not pull the actors from this title. i have not tried with others but check it out.

a request. trying to figure out how xml works and was wondering if someone could paste the code to extract the full date of release instead of just the year? makes sorting easier. thanks
replace the regexp for actors with this and give it a try i cant give it a try since my ip is banned since i did a scan of 9600 movies
<RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;actor&gt;&lt;name&gt;\2&lt;/name&gt;&lt;thumb&gt;http://Images.ExcaliburFilms.com/pornlist/starpicsAA020309/\1.jpg&lt;/thumb&gt;&lt;/actor&gt;" dest="5+">
<expression repeat="yes">&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.excaliburfilms.com/pornlist/starpgs/pornlist/starpgs/([^\.]*)[^&gt;]*&gt;([^&lt;]*)</expression>
impressive collection mate.

my respects Wink
<RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;year&gt;\1&lt;/year&gt;" dest="5+">
and for the date like 10/3/2007 its this one
lol spliff its not the movies in own its only a prog i did on my own which convert ed2k movies into fake .avi and i started to scrape the folder with thoes fake .avi and here i a am banned lol
test both of your codes for actors and year. actors no long display and year only shows the month...is there a format that xmbc is expecting for "year"? or can it be any type of string?
year is just that - year. only year.
ah thanks...wish i could sort by yyyy/mm/dd. easier to find most/least recent videos.
tiben20 Wrote:replace the regexp for actors with this and give it a try i cant give it a try since my ip is banned since i did a scan of 9600 movies
<RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;actor&gt;&lt;name&gt;\2&lt;/name&gt;&lt;thumb&gt;http://Images.ExcaliburFilms.com/pornlist/starpicsAA020309/\1.jpg&lt;/thumb&gt;&lt;/actor&gt;" dest="5+">
<expression repeat="yes">&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.excaliburfilms.com/pornlist/starpgs/pornlist/starpgs/([^\.]*)[^&gt;]*&gt;([^&lt;]*)</expression>

Tiben, no actors are grabbed with this code :S
oops i just pasted the code with an error.
instead of
<RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;actor&gt;&lt;name&gt;\2&lt;/name&gt;&lt;thumb&gt;http://Images.ExcaliburFilms.com/pornlist/starpicsAA020309/\1.jpg&lt;/thumb&gt;&lt;/actor&gt;" dest="5+">
<expression repeat="yes">&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.excaliburfilms.com/pornlist/starpgs/([^\.]*)[^&gt;]*&gt;([^&lt;]*)</expression>
tiben20 Wrote:oops i just pasted the code with an error.
instead of

Ok Tiben, but there is a bigger issue : Like said htpcrazy, if you try a movie like "momma knows best" the actors are not grabbed at all.
found some issues here. i did a search for Naked Housewives . if you go through the browser the correct movie can be found as a first result. but through the scraper, it is not there. i'm guessing there is a bug to do with exact matches.
htpcrazy Wrote:found some issues here. i did a search for Naked Housewives . if you go through the browser the correct movie can be found as a first result. but through the scraper, it is not there. i'm guessing there is a bug to do with exact matches.

Exactly, search engine has also a bug. For example, to find "I love Tory", i have to type : "i love t"

The scraper don't get results with "i love tory"
I would like to thanks vdrfan for his amazing work. EVERYTHING is corrected, and work !

- Titles are correctly grabbed (without "rent this dvd")
- Search works now like a charm ! for example : "I love Tory" or "Naked Housewives" finally get a result, and the good one ! Big Grin
- Actors / actress are now fully grabbed (Ouch ! all your collection need to be reactualised, most of actors / actress weren't grabbed befor ....)

Many thx again vdrfan, really ! Here is the final code, pasted from the Excalibur.xml, in the svn build r18898
please refrain from filling up our forum db with those pastes. thx
spiff Wrote:please refrain from filling up our forum db with those pastes. thx

Sorry, never seen that in the rules or somewhere, I never supposed that disturbed you.
Next time, I'll attach a file.

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Excalibur Scraper - Near to be the best (after little help) for +18 Adult Movies3
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