Excalibur Scraper - Near to be the best (after little help) for +18 Adult Movies
Ok, new version.
Very little bug in the previous release with search results. here is the excalibur.xml :

thanks. your xml is malformed though. opening in a browser before you publish is a good idea Smile
spiff Wrote:thanks. your xml is malformed though. opening in a browser before you publish is a good idea Smile

Sorry :S
Xml updated
still broken.
Oops, seems as if a nasty space was added .. I will double check before committing to SVN later today.
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are we in trouble again with excalibur?

a while ago i found "Raquel Darrian - Best Ass On The Planet" (btw: it IS the best ass on planet earth hehe) while searching for another title with best - today when scraping for "best ass on the planet" or "raquel darrian" i get no results back from excalibur.

edit: forgot to mention: version used is SVN 20720 win.
cheers,azido :;):
Working fine here using the correct "actress" name Wink

"Racquel Darrian" (ok)
"Best Ass On The Planet" (ok)
"Racquel Darrian Best Ass On The Planet" (ok)

While "Racquel Darrian - Best Ass On The Planet" will result in some other flicks from/with her due to the Excaliburfilms.com search engine not dealing with the "-".
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This version doesn't seem to work with the latest version of Plex. It used to work great with previous versions of Plex. It will not find any titles.
You might want to ask in the Plex forum for Plex related support? Scraper works fine in XBMC.
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Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules (wiki).
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Titles coming up wrong for some titles submitted patch to trac #8657

also changed it to gather a little more info from the site
gathers ALL actors & actresses whether or not linked
gets premiere date
sets MPAA to XXX
ScraperXML Open Source Web Scraper Library compatible with XBMC XML Scrapers

I Suck, and if you act now by sending only $19.95 and a self addressed stamped envelop, so can you!

hi, can you please help me, i was on lots of forums as it seems to me that excalibur is the best to use for indexing adult content?

i'm running xbmx Dharma rc1 (latest version) and can seem to find where exactly to put the XML for excalibur.

Secondly does dharma include (by default) the SVN app?Sad
noob007 Wrote:hi, can you please help me, i was on lots of forums as it seems to me that excalibur is the best to use for indexing adult content?

i'm running xbmx Dharma rc1 (latest version) and can seem to find where exactly to put the XML for excalibur.

Secondly does dharma include (by default) the SVN app?Sad

I think excalibur changed their search results page recently enough to break the scraper. Since you're running a Dharma, you might try installing this adult scraper pack which includes an updated version of the excalibur scraper. Unzip into your addons folder (don't know about Windows/linux, on OSX it's ~/Library/Application Support/XBMC/addons).
I have just tried using the EXCALIBUR.COM scraper using the latest version of XBMC, and everything except for the images themselves seems to be working.

For some reason, the images are all the same, and aren't the correct image for the title.

Any chance someone here can take a look??

I've had a few un-educated tries at changing some code, but no joy.....


Hi, i think this repo might help you out:


afaik, the excalibur scraper there works.

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Excalibur Scraper - Near to be the best (after little help) for +18 Adult Movies3
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