Game Posters, does anyone want? (with concept screens)
Well, the first Poster-Pack is finally done, unfortunately it only took this long because I have had some issues with a cold that just wouldn't go away, it's still quite persistent but at least I feel well enough to get something done. But enough about my personal life I know you all just dying to get the link to the Posters anyway. Wink
So without further ado here it is. Enjoy!

17.02.09 - UPDATE

Finally done with the first Nostalgia Poster-Pack, I bring you Nintendo. They come in two flavours, Mint & Vintage. Enjoy 'em, you'll find the download link by following the usual link.
Fiinix Design, Game Posters

Please refrain from direct linking or hosting the Poster-Packs elsewhere, not for any other reason than that I am very keen on tracking statistics (Google Analytics) for the number of downloads of the Poster-Packs. Alternatively contact me and I'm sure we can reach a suitable agreement. Again, enjoy!

Preview of Vanilla flavoured Posters using Aeon

Preview of the Nintendo Nostalgia Poster-Pack, Vintage
Lemme know if you need specific cover art for any of these.
djh_ Wrote:Lemme know if you need specific cover art for any of these.

You already have game posters? :confused2:

I figured since there are no mentions of game posters/cover art at, that there weren't any. That is why I asked if anyone would want some. I thought I would contribute to the XBMC/Aeon community as long as there are those that would want some.
No, I'm a games journalist. So if you need artwork for your covers I can probably come up with something.
Oh.. okay, well then we're on the same page. Well good to know. I might take you up that offer later on. But for now, it's probably back to designing various concept until something is finalized.

btw, what size and proportions (for Posters) do you use in Aeon? I tried extracting the .xpr and calculating (read guessing) and as best I can figure a good poster size is 675 x 1000 pixels, but I'm uncertain as this is not the size suggests for it's posters.
this would be awesome, any progress on this?
I'd be interested in games posters without any logos on them. Also having size 680x1000 would make things compatible with current poster standard so posters would fit nicely in any existing view
gstreet --> Working as we speak on the first poster pack (70 % done), which will be feature the top selling games for xbox (reference).

Currently the size of the posters are set to 680x1000 as this feels like the best size (I too used as a reference). The goal is to use only high quality/resolution artwork. But artwork for certain games are harder to find, which means it's going a little slower than I first anticipated.

crni --> When you say without logos? Are you referring to the Xbox-related artwork or everything NOT related to the games artwork?

...wait, that questions made little sense to me.. Big Grin Let's try it this way instead...

Current Layer structure:
-- Xbox Cover Artwork + "Only On Xbox"
-- PAL or NTSC Symbol
-- PEGI or ESRB Ratings
-- Game specific studio logos, i.e. microsoft game studios, ubisoft and such
-- Game Artwork + Game Logotype

, please use the following layout to illustrate the desired style you would want the game posters in... Smile
asphinx Wrote:crni --> When you say without logos? Are you referring to the Xbox-related artwork or everything NOT related to the games artwork?

...wait, that questions made little sense to me.. Big Grin Let's try it this way instead...

Current Layer structure:
-- Xbox Cover Artwork + "Only On Xbox"
-- PAL or NTSC Symbol
-- PEGI or ESRB Ratings
-- Game specific studio logos, i.e. microsoft game studios, ubisoft and such
-- Game Artwork + Game Logotype

, please use the following layout to illustrate the desired style you would want the game posters in... Smile

Basically your clean look poster from the first post would be ideal for me b/c I like posters as 'clean' as possible but I could live with everything BUT Xbox Cover Artwork + "Only On Xbox" as I'm playing games on my PC
crni -->I am currently looking into the possibility of making your request into a feature. I'm thinking game artwork +game logotype and game specific studio logos, but maybe a bit more discreeter than the ones on the Xbox Posters. But why would you use posters at all if your playing on your pc? folder thumbnails?
asphinx Wrote:crni -->I am currently looking into the possibility of making your request into a feature. I'm thinking game artwork +game logotype and game specific studio logos, but maybe a bit more discreeter than the ones on the Xbox Posters. But why would you use posters at all if your playing on your pc? folder thumbnails?

b/c I'm running games on my HTPC and playing them on HDTV...
I like my posters clean basically only with title but having discrete logos doesn't hurt...
the black bar got to go, poster looks way better.
im glad somewone is working for the game section.
ilike the your AeonStark-showcaseGames.jpg
it shows just like a library but i dont remember we
got library for games
As far as I now there actually isn't one, at least in alpha 14 there's pretty much only "poster" view which comes close to showing the glory of game posters, in my opinion.
Let's hope my AeonStark-ShowcaseGames inspires djh enough to make him consider it as a possible feature. If not, then I might have to learn xml and make a mod for it myself.. Wink besides, a file view would be good enough for me, even though a scannable nfo attached to a game xbe with synopsis, ratings, features and such would be pretty awesome.

So far with the game posters I am trying to actually do both. With and without xbox art. As the intention still is to do xbox games it just makes more sense to have that artwork as well. But in the spirit of making it more multi-functional I am also trying to the clean look. So look out for the release of;

Top Sellers Poster-Pack [PAL - PEGI]
Top Sellers Poster-Pack [NTSC - ESRB]
Top Sellers Poster-Pack Vanilla

All them will be available in 680x1000, using only high- resolution & quality resources for the creation of them. (as long as it's possible)

Here's a preview of the poster(s) for one game, unfortunatly this small preview really doesn't do them justice, but you get the general idea.

asphinx Wrote:So far with the game posters I am trying to actually do both. With and without xbox art. As the intention still is to do xbox games it just makes more sense to have that artwork as well. But in the spirit of making it more multi-functional I am also trying to the clean look. So look out for the release of;

Top Sellers Poster-Pack [PAL - PEGI]
Top Sellers Poster-Pack [NTSC - ESRB]
Top Sellers Poster-Pack Vanilla

All them will be available in 680x1000, using only high- resolution & quality resources for the creation of them. (as long as it's possible)

Here's a preview of the poster(s) for one game, unfortunatly this small preview really doesn't do them justice, but you get the general idea.
beautiful work, your Vanilla posters would fit nicely in any media center :
Well thank you.. I'm trying my best..

2 more games (dead or alive 3 & star wars: knights of the old republic) to go now and the first of the poster packs will be ready for release. And as a Christmas bonus I've got two surprises stocked up.. but you'll just have to wait and see what it is..

crni --> what skin are you using, It resembles Horizons but as I haven't used that one myself I'm not sure. Liking the game poster -look though. Big Grin

And for future references (to anyone randomly reading this), feedback.. be it good or bad is always appreciated.

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