Game Posters, does anyone want? (with concept screens)
Here's my games list:


Take your time Wink
Hey, how's the posters going?Big Grin Did real life get you too?
Well if it did, thanks for the one you put out already. I mean that!!Laugh
Operating System: Win7 64-Bit Pro w/SP1
System: Intel Core2Duo 3.0Ghz / 4GB PC6400 DDR2 / ATI HD 7770 1GB GDDR5
XBMC Build: Kodi 14.0
Remote: Harmony One and HP Receiver
Display: 65" Toshiba dlp HDTV
XBox Version: 1.6b
Xbox Mod: XboxHDM (Ndure)
Xbox Hard Drive: Seagate 400GB[/size]
Well, yes and no.. Been busy as a bee working on the requests I've gotten so far.. Big Grin Had to do a format/reinstall, which slowed me down a bit (Thankfully all of the work files remained intact..) I originally wanted to release the Nostalgia Poster-Pack before I released more game Posters, but as I haven't been able to locate any decent resources for that I thinking about releasing the game Posters first. Still might be a couple of weeks though before the next ones out. Big Grin
Fiinix Design presents: Posters, for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Arcade etc.

» Latest Poster-Pack: The Silhouettes, TV Shows
» Upcoming Poster-Pack: To Be Announced

» Game & Emulator Poster, request here
» Movie/TV Genre Poster, here
Your work is much appreciated, asphinx! Thanks in advance for expanding your poster pack!
New Poster-Pack, see first post. Smile
Fiinix Design presents: Posters, for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Arcade etc.

» Latest Poster-Pack: The Silhouettes, TV Shows
» Upcoming Poster-Pack: To Be Announced

» Game & Emulator Poster, request here
» Movie/TV Genre Poster, here
Thanks Asphinx!!! The Nintendo Posters looks great on my 1080p tv!!
Operating System: Win7 64-Bit Pro w/SP1
System: Intel Core2Duo 3.0Ghz / 4GB PC6400 DDR2 / ATI HD 7770 1GB GDDR5
XBMC Build: Kodi 14.0
Remote: Harmony One and HP Receiver
Display: 65" Toshiba dlp HDTV
XBox Version: 1.6b
Xbox Mod: XboxHDM (Ndure)
Xbox Hard Drive: Seagate 400GB[/size]
Awesome these are going to be great with the games library integration.
Looking great! Thanks for accepting the request Cool
You're all very welcomed!

crash123 --> Yeah, I can't wait for the games library! Especially the integration of emulated games (hoping..)

dynamix --> No problem. Now to get back at working on the list of requests you and kautious sent. Smile
Fiinix Design presents: Posters, for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Arcade etc.

» Latest Poster-Pack: The Silhouettes, TV Shows
» Upcoming Poster-Pack: To Be Announced

» Game & Emulator Poster, request here
» Movie/TV Genre Poster, here

Once again... very nice work.... I love the ones that you have worked on so far. I have a few that I would love to have just wish I could remeber them all. But here are a few off the top of my head:

Tiger Woods 2005 and 2007
Madden 08
Ninja Gaiden <Non black edition
Def Jam: Fight for NY
Hitman: Contracts
Max Payne
Nickelodeon Party Blast
Dead to Rights
Family Guy
NHL 2006 and 2007
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Matrix: Path of Neo, The
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Ultimate Spider-Man
Unreal Championship

OK that is mostly off the top of my head...

Anyway... keep up the GREAT work.

your requests have been added to the list. Wink
Fiinix Design presents: Posters, for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Arcade etc.

» Latest Poster-Pack: The Silhouettes, TV Shows
» Upcoming Poster-Pack: To Be Announced

» Game & Emulator Poster, request here
» Movie/TV Genre Poster, here

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Game Posters, does anyone want? (with concept screens)0
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