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MediaStream Skin Feature Requests
would it be possible to add a new menu to the home page? just for music videos only, i know its a sub menu in the music link in the home but i would like to have a decade music video menu in the home page.
Till All Are One!!!!!
I've been banging my head trying to get to the audio settings with the remote so I can turn off subtitles and/or fix the audio sync without having to break out the keyboard and hit "M".

Could an easy way to get there be included in the next update (or maybe someone has an easy fix for me. Please?)?
Aucard The 3rd Wrote:would it be possible to add a new menu to the home page? just for music videos only, i know its a sub menu in the music link in the home but i would like to have a decade music video menu in the home page.

DDM123 Wrote:I've been banging my head trying to get to the audio settings with the remote so I can turn off subtitles and/or fix the audio sync without having to break out the keyboard and hit "M".

Could an easy way to get there be included in the next update (or maybe someone has an easy fix for me. Please?)?

Map a key in keymap.xml. This doesnt have anything to do with the skin.
SlaveUnit Wrote:Map a key in keymap.xml. This doesnt have anything to do with the skin.

Yeah I just came in here to edit out my post. I got a Harmony One a few months ago to replace a MCE remote clone by Anyware, and it the Harmony doesn't have a giant start button to get me to the a/v settings, nor does it have a "Home" key. I spent all day with this this before realizing all I needed to do was map an unused button to it. Duh. For some reason I thought this was a MediaStream-specific issue.
can i make a shout for last.fm love / ban? I know it's in the original post, i just miss it.
Little request;

Support for thumbnails with rounded edges ( transparent PNG ) looks kinda bad now when the shadow still has edges
any1 knows if there's a code break in the newer svn-builds from ikons & kricker etc regarding mediastream? it isn't working anymore somehow on the latest build - any1 else has this problem?
I will be happy to see OpenSubtitles OSD Script support in the next release.
OSD plot - it was working in previous versions (I had a very old version but lost it in a reinstall) but the latest version that I downloaded seems to be lacking it.

There is lots of free space where it would fit as is, am I just missing something?

EDIT: Checked the changelog and this was removed from 1.00 -> next. If I could just get a download link or anything for 1.00 I would be a happy panda.

EDIT2: My apologies, I did find a download link now. If anyone else wants this, link is: http://www.mediafire.com/?mydlmmqnjiu - do note that certain features are NOT available in this version.

EDIT3: Sorry for the mass edits, this version does however not work fully. Lots of textures and stuff gone Sad
So if anyone has any way for me to activate OSD Plot I would greatly appreciate it or if it was reincorporated in a newer version.
If this skin is still being updated could there be an option for the home screen to hide the side bar from view or even have it has a sliding menu so if I wish I can watch full screen videos whilst checking out what's new on my RSS feeds without 1/3 the picture hidden from view... I realise confluence is the main skin now days but the text on it is just too small for my old tv whilst mediastream is a lot better for it especially the RSS ticker text

Option for when to use full caps or not, ie: I would rather my TV Shows and Movie Name to be regular case, not full caps.

Also, as I have my media on a few different portable drives, it would be nice (in the views that make sense, like MediaInfo, to have an option to show File Location, and even File Name in some case.

I currently make the changes myself to include these.

Thanks for the great skin.
I am using Redux and dont know if this is the proper thread but here goes.

Is there any possibility of supporting the TVTunes add-on?


Thanks for the skin.
it would be great to have a possibility to vote with IMDB after viewing a movie.. and an option on the movie to vote it

Big Grin
Im afraid our feature request list is not available online.
Although the content of the Feature Requests & Suggestions forum does contain a lot of the more popular requests.
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