Copy thumbnails and media info from PC?
My Xbox is wired to a PC where all of my media is stored. The PC (which also has XBMC running) connects to my router wirelessly for internet access. Can I simply copy scraped info like thumbnails and media info from my PC to the Xbox? If so, where is this info kept?

ForceTen Wrote:My Xbox is wired to a PC where all of my media is stored. The PC (which also has XBMC running) connects to my router wirelessly for internet access. Can I simply copy scraped info like thumbnails and media info from my PC to the Xbox? If so, where is this info kept?

If you use something like XBMC Media Companion (found elswhere on these forums)
This runs on your pc and it stores all your scraped info in your media folders.
For example the matrix.avi would have the matrix.tbn the matrix.nfo and the matrix-fanart.jpg If you then use libray mode on your xbox it will scan these files automaticaly
Hope this helpsBig Grin
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
If you're running a XBMC revision > 16509 you will be able to export the entire library into separate files along posters and fanart images.
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paul Wrote:If you use something like XBMC Media Companion (found elswhere on these forums)
This runs on your pc and it stores all your scraped info in your media folders.
For example the matrix.avi would have the matrix.tbn the matrix.nfo and the matrix-fanart.jpg If you then use libray mode on your xbox it will scan these files automaticaly
Hope this helpsBig Grin

Perfect. That worked very well. Thank you.
ForceTen Wrote:Perfect. That worked very well. Thank you.

Glad to be of helpBig Grin
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox

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