NFO files for multiple episodes in an ISO?
I have a serial (specifically, Batman & Robin from 1949) which isn't technically a TV show, but it makes more sense for it to be filed with TV shows than movies. It doesn't appear in, so it looks like I'm going to have to create my own .nfo files for it.

But, it's fifteen episodes on two DVD's which I've ripped to two ISO files, and the Wiki says that you need to have exactly one .nfo file per media file. Does that mean that I'm going to have to split this out into individual episodes? Or can one .nfo file cover multiple episodes?

Thanks for your help
wiki is in error. just put multiple <episodedetails> after eachother
Doesn't seem to work. What I have is:
    <title>Batman Takes Over</title>
    <title>Tunnel of Terror</title>
    <title>Robin's Wild Ride</title>
    <title>Batman Trapped</title>
    <title>Robin Rescues Batman</title>
    <title>Target - Robin!</title>
    <title>The Fatal Blast</title>
    <title>Robin Meets the Wizard</title>
And similar for 9-15. But all I see in the list is episodes 1 and 9 (that is, the first one it finds in each file). What am I doing wrong?
too old build probably
Is this a particuarly new feature? I'm not at home right now so I can't check exactly which revision it is, but it's at least the final release of Atlantis. I'll try upgrading when I get a chance, and see if that solves it.

certainly after atlantis, i cant be bothered to see exactly which rev though it's all in the changelog
I redownloaded the Windows binary, and I got the build as of Nov 13. I assume this means there haven't been an maintenance releases since Atlantis, and I'm going to have to set up an SVN environment if I want this functionality. Is that right? Is there another way to bet a later build?

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wintermute115 Wrote:I have a serial (specifically, Batman & Robin from 1949) which isn't technically a TV show, but it makes more sense for it to be filed with TV shows than movies. It doesn't appear in, so it looks like I'm going to have to create my own .nfo files for it.
While I know nothing about this specific "show", you can add stuff yourself to theTVDB. You can also scrape TV shows from IMDb (pending how it's handled there).
How was it originally "aired"? edit: Got it.

wintermute115 Wrote:But, it's fifteen episodes on two DVD's which I've ripped to two ISO files, and the Wiki says that you need to have exactly one .nfo file per media file. Does that mean that I'm going to have to split this out into individual episodes? Or can one .nfo file cover multiple episodes?
The multiple episodes per nfo is not documented yet (and someone will have to spell it out to me if I am to add it), you could help by looking into how media companion does it and add it to the wiki or here.

I cannot read this "you need to have exactly one .nfo file per media file" from the text you link to. But even if you can find it in there it's strictly not wrong.
A single nfo file can include multiple episode definitions, given that the corresponding media file contains multiple eps also as outlined by spiff above.
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NFO files for multiple episodes in an ISO?0
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