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[RELEASE] Passion-XBMC Installer (Script)
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Hi guys, here is the brand new Installer Passion XBMC Pre-1.0:


Since last release Beta-Christmas-08 which has been pretty popular (more than 2000 download in 1 month and a half), we have been working very hard in order to offer you the Installer Passion XBMC Pre-1.0:
  • nicer Interface, more customizable
  • new views, especially 'media info' vue which allows you to read directly the information about an item or a beautiful carousel
  • faster interface, information are now loaded really faster than before
  • a huge update of items available on the server as well as description of tose items
  • compatibility with al OS including Mac this time

We hope you will enjoy it. There is still some work to do, but we are getting closer to the 1.0 release.

I would like to thank Frost who is the main creator of the new GUI, we are very lucky to have him in the team.
I also want to thank mikko70 for translating the installer in Finnish but also for making few improvements and making proposal of improvement.
Finally thanks to the people of the team Passion-XBMC who participated to this project : Seb, Shaitan, Temhil, Jahnrik, Alexsolex, Frost

We hope you will enjoy it, please do not hesitate to give us your feedback or issues you would notice.
Some of you ask for a way to sort item by date and we are currenlty working on it as well as a way to make easy the upload of you creation on our server.
Please feel free to tell us improvement you would like, and we can see what we can do.


Mostly this script is an installer for XBMC (similar for instance to xbmc-script for the script part).
It allows to:
  • Download and install items available on Passion-XBMC FTP server maintained by our team ( stock.passionxbmc.org ): skins, scrapers, scripts and plugins
  • Display information about items (Screenshot and description)
  • Manage skins, scrapers, scripts and plugins already installed in XBMC (delete, rename, move, copy, run ...)
  • Browse the forum of Passion-XBMC (RSS feed), even thus the UI will be in English, most of the messages will be in French (but not all of them).
  • On PC and MAC you can setup the script in order to start the browser in order to go on the forum.

Script/plugins/skins and scrapers are mostly in English and the description window will tell you what is the language of the item. We try to have a content for everybody, now we also have scripts/plugins in Dutch, German and Spanish.

You will probably recognized a lot of scripts and plugins (i.e Voinage plugins) posted here, we try to centralized them in order to make easy the install, usually version available on the server are up to date and working, but since we are not testing them everyday and we are not necessarily of the lasted release (really time consuming) but in general it shouldn't be too bad, also please let us know when you see something broken, we will remove it.

User guide:

We tried to create an interface the most user friendly we could, but you will need at least to be use to XBMC interface.

The Installer Passion-XBMC is a script (not a plugin), so you will have to install it in:
if yoy already have a previous version, it will offer you to update to the last version, just validate and restart the script after the update.
!!CAUTION!!: with the automatic update you will lose all the configuartion files of the Installer (deleted for compatibility reasons)

You have the choice between for section: "Skins", "Scrapers", "Scripts" and "Plugins" (itself spited in 4 sub-sections).
Just click on one element of a section for downloading and installing (in installer part of the script) it or rename, delete, move, copy, run it (in manager part of the script).

  • To go back (parent directory), press:
    - BACK button on XBOX remote
    - B (RED) on XBOX pad
    - Backspace on PC or MAC

  • To get an item description window (in installer part of the script), select an item and press:
    - INFO button on XBOX remote
    - I on MAC or PC

  • To display context menu, it will present you options, such as 'Information', 'Install', 'Switch Media' depending where you are, press:
    - TITLE button on XBOX remote
    - WHITE button on XBOX pad
    - C on MAC or PC

It is now possible to choose the type of view displayed in the interface of the script (see screenshot).
The default view Media Info give you a lot of information about each item, (but you can still get more using the item description window), but you can still use the original lsi view of the Installer, big icon view or the very nice Carousel view(see screenshot).

There are a lot of settings, the best way is you to try it, for example you can:
- change Interface color
- change Interface skin (skin PMIII HD)
- change RSS feed or deactivate it
- deactivate start-up animation (splash)
- Hide file extension on the server
- Display a fanart per element or a global fanart
- And a lot of more ...

Screenshots :

Image Image Image Image Image



Help needed:

Please feel free to send us a language XML file in your language, we will integrate it to the script


You can download the version XBMC Pre-1.0 of Installer Passion-XBMC script HERE

[edit]: update for Installer Passion-XBMC Pre-1.0 release

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)

team barbel ftw
Tom_Monkeon Wrote:team barbel ftw
Do you want explain me the meaning of "team barbel ftw" and how it related to this script?

Merry Christmas Team XBMC And Fan User
And Happy New Year
For my bad English, sorry. I am French Canadian.
Admin @ Passion-XBMC.org
What a stunning looking script, well done chaps & chapesses.

That must have tired you all out, thanks for your hard work.
sweet!! just one question though:
a script i'm getting running RunXM is listed here in that script. when I revise RunXM, how do I get updates to it?
Hi calvin8714,

I don't use myself RunXM since I don't have an account, but the only difference between the archives RunXM_Install_v0.16.zip and RunXM_Upgrade_v0.16.zip (for instance) is the data directory with login.txt file which is not in the upgrade package.

So for a fresh install, you need to use the install one, but for an upgrade, if you want ot keep your login.txt, use the upgrade package.
For that click on it in the installer Passion-XBMC, it will download the file and if you already have a version installed, it will tell you that RunXM is already here and will ask you what to do.
In the upgrade case, just choose 'Overwrite the directory', it will overwrite all the file except the one in the data directory (but use the upgrade package).

I hope my explanation was clear, otherwise let me know.

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)

Will there be more English support?

What do you mean by more English support? At which level? Could you be more precise?
Do you mean:
- In the script (UI)?
- more the content to download (skins,scripts, plugin, scrapers)?
- for the description of the items (I am currently populating it, but it is a lot of work since there are a lot and I have to write description in both language :-(?

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)

Most of what you listed, and I was hoping for either english rss feeds, or an option to change to an english one?
Voinage Wrote:What a stunning looking script, well done chaps & chapesses.

That must have tired you all out, thanks for your hard work.

Hi Voinage,

Oh yes it was (and still is) a lot of work, but it's a lot of fun for us to work on a nice project like that for XBMC community.
Big Grin

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)

XBMCG33K Wrote:Most of what you listed, and I was hoping for either english rss feeds, or an option to change to an english one?
Unfortunately the RSS is coming from the RSS of the forum, so only in French for now.
Nevertheless you can disable the RSS feed display in the settings menu, it should be done by default when language is not French (but not yet).

Concerning the content, I think we have a pretty fair amount of english content no?
- Most of the plugins are English,
- at least half of the scripts too (at least 25 on 40),
- skins are all English,
- only the scrapers for the moment are only in French since we didn't find other scrapers (if you know other sources for scrapers please let us know).

A lot of scripts are not available since they are broken and haven't been updated for Atlantis.
I am still not sure of what the issue is for you.

BTW If you have any proposal of scripts, plugins ... you would like us to add, just let's know.

Just an info, if you press Info on an item you will get the description of it, including the language, I know it hasn't been filed for all the item yet, but as I said we working on it and it is a lot of work.

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)

Temhil Wrote:Hi calvin8714,

I don't use myself RunXM since I don't have an account, but the only difference between the archives RunXM_Install_v0.16.zip and RunXM_Upgrade_v0.16.zip (for instance) is the data directory with login.txt file which is not in the upgrade package.

So for a fresh install, you need to use the install one, but for an upgrade, if you want ot keep your login.txt, use the upgrade package.
For that click on it in the installer Passion-XBMC, it will download the file and if you already have a version installed, it will tell you that RunXM is already here and will ask you what to do.
In the upgrade case, just choose 'Overwrite the directory', it will overwrite all the file except the one in the data directory (but use the upgrade package).

I hope my explanation was clear, otherwise let me know.

I know Big Grin ... I've been rewriting/adding stuff to the RunXM script this year. It was more of a question as to what to do, where to upload and/or notify someone of the changes for inclusion in your scripts database, when/if RunXM needs fixing and/or a new version. Guess I shoulda explained myself/intentions a little better up there. Smile


Hi calvin8714,

Sorry I totally misunderstood you.
If you want to make available your script/plugin via our script, you will need to upload it on our FTP server.
For that, you will just need to register on our forum (even thus it is french forum, post in english, we will answer you, no pbs) and we will give you developers permissions.

Then fill the form:

And we will give you permissions to upload via this Java Applet on our FTP server.

Sorry if it seems little bit complication, we currently working on a version of the script where we would you the download center of the forum instead of the FTP server. We still are at the early stages of development.

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)

Temhil Wrote:Hi calvin8714,

Sorry I totally misunderstood you.
If you want to make available your script/plugin via our script, you will need to upload it on our FTP server.
For that, you will just need to register on our forum (even thus it is french forum, post in english, we will answer you, no pbs) and we will give you developers permissions.

Then fill the form:

And we will give you permissions to upload via this Java Applet on our FTP server.

Sorry if it seems little bit complication, we currently working on a version of the script where we would you the download center of the forum instead of the FTP server. We still are at the early stages of development.

Forget my previous message (it seems this solution does NOT work properly), the best and easiest way is for those who want to add a script/plugin to our FTP, send me a MP and I will send you directly the information.
Sorry for the confusion Big Grin

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)

don't worry about it!! Cool
i'm just happy there's somewhere i can refer people to now to easily install scripts for xbmc, and even better, it downloads and installs plugins and skins as well!


(there's no plans for an update of RunXM for a while, unless things go seriously wrong)
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[RELEASE] Passion-XBMC Installer (Script)0
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