I have several questions (about my raspberry pi running mythbox):
1. Is this the best place (this thread) for discussing mythbox (specifically running this code
http://code.google.com/p/mythbox/ on a raspberry pi running a port of xbmc)? I tried starting new threads at xbmc.org but have not gotten any responses.
2. Mythbox is not saving my mySQL Data Base settings between runs of mythbox. IP addresses, passwords, data base names... everything needs to be entered every go. Is this how it works for everyone?
3. I would be willing to make the code changes to support newer versions of Mythtvback end. I started out by making the following changes but could use pointers as to what to do next:
Applied this patch to this file:
< class Protocol75(Protocol74):
< def version(self):
< return 75
< def protocolToken(self):
< return "SweetRock"
< 74: Protocol74(), # 0.26
< 75: Protocol75() # 0.26
> 74: Protocol74() # 0.26
4. Here are the particulars regarding what I am running on the raspberry pi and on the mythbackend:
Version info:
pi@raspbmc:/$ cat /scripts/upd_hist/build_info
# mythbackend --version
Please attach all output as a file in bug reports.
MythTV Version : v0.26.0
MythTV Branch :
Network Protocol : 75
Library API : 0.26.20120822-1
QT Version : 4.8.2
5. Using the above code, I have not been able to play back any recordings from the mythbackend (I have several other clients that are able to play back video from the mythbackend). I keep getting "Error: onClick" which, I think, is a common Python error message when using a GUI. Here is the Python Traceback. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it!:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.mythbox/resources/src/mythbox/util.py", line 265, in catchall_ui return func(*args, **kw)
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.mythbox/resources/src/mythbox/ui/recordings.py", line 140, in onClick self.goRecordingDetails()
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.mythbox/resources/src/mythbox/ui/recordings.py", line 523, in goRecordingDetails selectedProgram = self.activeGroup.programsByListItem[selectedItem]
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.mythbox/resources/lib/bidict/bidict.py", line 498, in __getitem__ return self._fwd[keyorslice]
KeyError: <xbmcgui.ListItem object at 0x36bef38>