PM3.HD Skin - Music FanArt support now in the SVN
Nice, and PM3.HD Fanart directly from Album node?
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no you have to go through the artist node to get it.
Honestly I wouldn't think it would be too hard to get it to display the album node if allready set since the artist name is always shown as the default label
This is great news. but will it work if i have a structure like this:

music\metallica - black album
music\metallica - Master of puppets
music\muse\ black holes and revelations
music\muse \haarp

if i lay the fanart.jpg in each folder of metallica, each of muse etc?

Or do i have to restructure everything?
If you want it detected on scan, it'll require a restructure. You can, however, manually set it via the Artist information dialog.
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So your file structure has to contain an album folder for fanart to be picked up? ie. music/artist/album

What if you simply sort your files by artist and have all their songs contained on one folder? ie. music/artist

To test do I only need the mymusicnav from svn 17069?
you need a new compiled version of xbmc to test
as for the folder structure no idea
I am running 17070 i believe and i cannot get fanart to show in PM3, or in PM3.HD. I have fanart in each artists album as well.

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PM3.HD Skin - Music FanArt support now in the SVN0
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