PM3.HD TV, Movies in home MOD

I have installed the rev. 17641 and now it works Perfect... but my userdata folder changes from location and I have to move all the content from my \%user%\application data\xbmc\userdata to c:\program files\xbmc\user data , I don´t know why it changes... but.. it has no matter.

Thanks a lot
because the -p switch now means portable mode (userdata in program directory) instead of platform mode (userdata in application data).
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This skin is perfect for my needs. Just one question. How do I change the Label on the homescreen from VIDEO to something else? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Nice work on this mod Jezz...Nod
If anyone wants to adjust Jezz_X's mod and change 'Videos' to anything else the lines to change in Home.xml are 635-653. And the image can be changed on line 40.Wink

Here is the same mod redone with the programs (including image) in the skin.
This puts "Programs" in Jezz_X's mod, replacing "Videos" in the homescreen.
Like sho said its a whole skin.
All credit goes to Jezz_X, he is the original author, I only tweaked out a few XML lines and added the programs image to the textures.xpr.


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I'd like to set up a home button to jump straight to family genre movies. Illuminaughty has described things so that it's easy enough to change the Home.xml. However, I'm having trouble combing through the wiki and forum to come up with a window ID that will take me straight there. So far, the best I've come up with is to take me to the full genre screen:


How do I directly reference family movies?
IllumiNaughty Wrote:Here is the same mod redone with the programs (including image) in the skin.
This puts "Programs" in Jezz_X's mod, replacing "Videos" in the homescreen.
Like sho said its a whole skin.
All credit goes to Jezz_X, he is the original author, I only tweaked out a few XML lines and added the programs image to the textures.xpr.


Hi, a couple questions about this:

1) how hard would it be to add the 'videos' section in addition to all these, and choose a background for it?

2) is there any way to have 'TV Shows' and 'Movies' keep their default background image when choosing them in Fanart view? (currently the background switches to a picture of a camcorder until you move down your list).

Hi, I cant change the thumbs for tv shows.I can select the new thumb but it wont show up. The thumb for all seasons will change but not the thumb for Season 1, Season 2 ....
I got it working.They just wont load when i have the tv shows in cover flow.

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