2009-01-27, 16:19
Take your time no point in rushing it and if you keep it looking like the mockups and keep it simple it's a sure fire winner. just one question would you consider makeing this cmpatible with 16/9 pal thanks
paul Wrote:Take your time no point in rushing it and if you keep it looking like the mockups and keep it simple it's a sure fire winner. just one question would you consider makeing this cmpatible with 16/9 pal thanks
rwparris2 Wrote:Although you might be better off starting from scratch, be sure to take a look at the skin Focus, which uses a similar horizontal bar/submenu system.
digitalhigh Wrote:I'll def. be taking my time, as 3/7 days this week I'll not even have access to MY computer(s) until late in the evening.yeh no problem
And yes, I intend on keeping it like the mockups. I'm hoping for something as elegant as Aeon (I can dream, right), but also focus on keeping with the "minimal" idea. Less stuff on screen means less memory usage, right?
16:9 is the default resolution I use...dunno about PAL. Let me see if I can make a working skin first, then go from there.
timdog82001 Wrote:wow, that psd2wal thing actually does sound pretty cool. I might have to check that out
digitalhigh Wrote:A few real-time screenshots I snapped tonight. The only other window I've even started to code is the movies window, but I think that once I've done one, the others should follow easily.
Let me remind you, this is just a proof-of-concept layout for the main. In no way is anything here pictured set in stone, other than really trying to keep the art as unobscured as possible. However, the menus are all working, and the fanart is working in real-time as well.
Lemme know what you think at my first attempt.
Sranshaft Wrote:I just had to say I love what is driving the idea behind this skin! It seems to me to combine the best of Focus and Mediastream. This inspired me to whip up a quick mockup of what I would love to see this become in the future.
I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here and please tell me if I am. I have been smitten with XBMC since stumbling upon it a couple months back and wanted to give back in whatever way possible.
Awesome start so far and I'm sure there'll be even greater stuff to come.