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Looking forward to seeing what you all have planned!
Great work guys!

Btw, does this skin have an official name yet? Wink
Great concept guys. I like the original concept and I really like the concept Sranshaft came up with.
no official name, yet. I have put together concept art for new sections of the skin. DigitalHigh has been working hard at making this thing begin to materialize. We are only a few days in to this project and would love suggestions for a name for this project.

Here are the concept mockups for the music section. As mentioned before, this skin will be designed around fanart, but more importantly on simplicity. Less is more, is the idea we are designing everything around. That is not to be confused with less options, because we intend on implementing everything you expect a modern skin to include and maybe even a few things you haven't seen before. I hope you all enjoy the new previews.

Also, if you have name suggestions please leave let us know.

I was hoping for a name that tried to convey the fact that we're going for the minimal approach. Thesaurus entries for "minimal" and "open" -

Main Entry: minimal
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: littlest, slightest
Synonyms: basal, basic, essential, fundamental, least, least possible, lowest, minimum, nominal, smallest, token
Notes: nominal means insignificantly small; minimal means the least possible or smallest in amount and degree
Antonyms: maximum, most

Main Entry: open
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: unfastened, unclosed
Synonyms: accessible, agape, airy, ajar, bare, clear, cleared, dehiscent, disclosed, emptied, expanded, expansive, exposed, extended, extensive, free, gaping, made passable, naked, navigable, passable, patent, patulous, peeled, removed, rent, revealed, ringent, rolling, spacious, spread out, stripped, susceptible, unbarred, unblocked, unbolted, unburdened, uncluttered, uncovered, unfolded, unfurled, unimpeded, unlocked, unobstructed, unplugged, unsealed, unshut, unstopped, vacated, wide, yawning
Antonyms: closed, fastened, locked, shut

What about Simplicity? that's the first thing i thought of. And the music views are looking good
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Yeah what he said. Wink

Kinda reminds me of this skin that another is developing.
Simplicity, eh? Hmmm...that's got a nice ring to it. Although...isn't there already a skin with that name? I may be thinking of Winamp.

And I see where you see a similarity between this skin and that other one. Only difference is, ours is going to be centered around the menu bar. The majority of the functionality of the skin is going to be all in one place...
Yeah I was just pointing out there is another skin going for the same low impact and large fan art. I hope you both do your things seperately so I have a good choice between two. Wink
agreed about the two skins. similar ideas and i hope we can live up to the quality of what the other skin will be. Anything done by a member of team razorfish will be great. Mediastream is still one of my favorites. hopefully myself and digitalHigh can make something a few people will come to love. That is my only goal for our first skin.

Simplicity does have certain ring to it. Simple and to the point. Too bad focus is taken, because we will have everyone using this skin focused on one menu bar. It should be interesting to see where this thing goes.
What about Vapor? That didn't sound too bad to me about an hour ago...

es·sen·tial (-snshl)
1. Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent.
2. Basic or indispensable; necessary: essential ingredients. See Synonyms at indispensable.
3. Medicine Of, relating to, or being a dysfunctional condition or a disease whose cause is unknown: essential hypertension.
4. Biochemistry Being a substance that is required for normal functioning but cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be included in the diet: essential amino acids.
1. Something fundamental.
2. Something necessary or indispensable.
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You know, I actually thought about "essence" last night as well. That's not bad...
What about miniscule meaning very small
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
paul Wrote:What about miniscule meaning very small

I know what miniscule means...but it sounds like pasta...
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