Scraper absolute_number for Anime?
Celestialtorpor Wrote:This is great!

..Sort of.

I'm not sure what I did, but following the suggestions in this thread to allow certain animes over 100 episodes to show up properly, I implemented:


<regexp>[\._ \-]([0-9]{2,3})()([\._\ \-][^\\/]*)</regexp>


Only now *every* show with more than 1 season will not show the subsequent seasons.

Is there any way for me to have my cake and eat it too?

Does your Anime reside in the same folder as your TV Shows?

I'm not certain it will work, but if you have them mixed together try separating them, then re-scan your library and separately rescan "Anime" and "TV Shows" folders, with the 'absolute' setting turned ON for the Anime folder and OFF for the TV Shows folder.
Xeijin Wrote:Does your Anime reside in the same folder as your TV Shows?

I'm not certain it will work, but if you have them mixed together try separating them, then re-scan your library and separately rescan "Anime" and "TV Shows" folders, with the 'absolute' setting turned ON for the Anime folder and OFF for the TV Shows folder.

If that is how your <tvshowmatching> looks like, it would make sense you can't set shows with seasons to work, because you now only have that one rule to make all matches, and that rule only works with absolute numbering. You can either add the argument action="append" or action="prepend" to <tvshowmatching>, thus keeping the default rules and adding yours to the list, or you manually add all the rules you need. To give me greater control, my rules are set like this:

<regexp>[\._ \-][Ss]([0-9]+)[\.\-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \-]\[?([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]?([^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \-]([0-9]{2,3})()([\._\ \-][^\\/]*)</regexp>

This will match shows with seasons, in formats S00E00 and 00x00, and also matches shows with absolute numbering.

Also , don't forget to set the absolute numbering setting on or off accordingly. Its easier if you have all animes in one folder and all other shows in another.

Hope this helps
TullariS Wrote:If that is how your <tvshowmatching> looks like, it would make sense you can't set shows with seasons to work, because you now only have that one rule to make all matches, and that rule only works with absolute numbering. You can either add the argument action="append" or action="prepend" to <tvshowmatching>, thus keeping the default rules and adding yours to the list, or you manually add all the rules you need. To give me greater control, my rules are set like this:

<regexp>[\._ \-][Ss]([0-9]+)[\.\-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \-]\[?([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]?([^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \-]([0-9]{2,3})()([\._\ \-][^\\/]*)</regexp>

This will match shows with seasons, in formats S00E00 and 00x00, and also matches shows with absolute numbering.

Also , don't forget to set the absolute numbering setting on or off accordingly. Its easier if you have all animes in one folder and all other shows in another.

Hope this helps

Is that to say that for now there is no way to set a separate tvshowmatching regexp that is only activated for directories marked with Absolute Numbering turned on? I have multiple programs on multiple machines pointing to the files in my Videos folder, so moving them to a separate Anime folder would take some doing. I'll probably just stop watching animes after the 99th episodes instead. :p
Ok so I've spent the past couple days looking into some way to do a hybrid multi-season / absolute episode ordering solution but have really run out of gas.

Let's say I have a file named s05e154, which hypothetically represents absolute episode #154 that happened to occur during season 5.

I can get the season and epnum xml tags correct in the regexp part, but XBMC can only match the episodes labeled season 1.

I think I need to make a code change somewhere, but in the places I've looked there's nothing obvious. I guess I'm confused about how it knows to handle s01e154 but not s05e154?
Still having the same issues as other persons.

Currently I'm using the following code in advancedsettings.xml:
<tvshowmatching action="append">
<regexp>[/\._ \-]()([0-9]+)(?![eExX])([/\._ \-]*[0-9]+)?</regexp>

When appending my normal tv-shows work perfectly, but my anime works till episode 99. Ofcourse this is because of the default rule:
[HTML] <regexp>([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])[^\\/]*</regexp>[/HTML]
This line makes it impossible to have episodes over 99.

When inserting (prepend) the regex all my anime work, but my tv-shows with very bad naming like "house 301.avi" fails because of my custum regex.

Is it possible to enable a certain regex when "use absolute ordering" is checked and disable the default regex for "house 301.avi" showtype.
I would like to have an extra attribute in tvshowmatching tag witch specifies if "use absolute ordering" is checked.

for example:
<tvshowmatching absolute="true" action="prepend">
<regexp>[/\._ \-]()([0-9]+)(?![eExX])([/\._ \-]*[0-9]+)?</regexp>
This would solve my problem completly.
Have anyone gotten this absolute ordering to work w/ pre-eden yet? I tried and it still only work w/ S01EYY format. Is it's just more robust to change the file name?

Apologize for my ignorance; I'm new to xbmc.
Nevermind, I got it to work. I learned reg exp and made action = 'prepend" and all my pattern seek worked now.
I'm running into trouble with these changes because I'm trying to match episode Bleach 356 and it's interpreting it as season 3 episode 56 despite using absolute numbering.
what settings have you ended up using for your Anime

I refuse to rename my files ( all setup to seed when 0 seeders are listed )

I am using TheTVDB as scraper ( because it Sorted Naruto Seasons )

the ONLY Anime That is Working is Naruto
( all other scrappers show no files )

its picked up Naruto's seasons and showing the relative season episode instead of the absolute number

this is what has got me


looks the same not working

different not working

[ANE] Shinryaku! Ika Musume - Ep01 [BDRip 720p x264 FLAC].mkv

(G_P) Patlabor TV 01(x264 720p)(7D7839AD).mkv


[Raws-4U] Skip Beat! - 01 (D-TX 1280x720 x264).mp4


[HorribleSubs] Bleach - 349 [480p].mkv


yet my Movies are all working Flawlessly ... they are even grouping in their sets ( ie all Harry potters under the one set )
i have the same problem like others here. i have 1 folder with many sub folders. and scraping with no edit works with standard shows but not with anime with just one season. so i tested some posts from here and

<tvshowmatching absolute="true" action="prepend">
<regexp>[\._ \-]([0-9]{2,3})()([\._\ \-][^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \-][Ss]([0-9]+)[\.\-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \-]\[?([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]?([^\\/]*)</regexp>

works for me with ervery show. absolut and standard. but in episode name should just one pair of digits be written. like "file s01e01.avi" because "file s01e01 name10.avi" would not be found.

i hope in future the scraper will be updated.
I wrote a quick and dirty script to solve this problem for me here.

What It Does

Create symlinks that follow the S__E__ convention so that animes can be scraped against TheTVDB.

What Does It Support

Platform: Linux, Python.

Series: Bleach, Naruto. (feel free to add your own)

How It Works

It grabs the episode number from the file name, matches that against known anime series and season numbers (refer to lines 54-58). It then creates a symlink to the original file with the S__E__ convention in the same directory.

How To Use

Copy the script into a .py file, e.g. ~/ Run:

python2 ~/ ~/media/anime


I'm not responsible for anything that happens from using the script.
Actually that might be the perfect solution for me

I might split my collection into

Original Files for seeding CRC matching
symlink media play back files

original files kept in one folder
and symlinked media files to be tinkered with in another folder
where file renaming fan art ect can be added

Tested and working perfectly
it seems to be linking even through the network

is their any scripts on the net for mass symlinking files in a new folder ?
ln -s /ZFSRaidz/Multimedia/Anime/Naruto_Shippuuden/* /ZFSRaidz/XBMC/Multimedia/Anime/Naruto_Shippuuden

symlinks all files in

then all i need to do is mass rename them all Tongue

is a good Anime renaming script

is also good

best part is zfs I can take a snap shot and try if it goes to hell I can revert back Tongue
prefacing this with things I have tried -
I have enabled absolute ordering in TVDB scraper settings
I have installed multiple regex including the one posted in the sticky on this section in the location C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata under the name "advancedsettings.xml"
renaming to S01EXXX works for anidb as its listed in 1 season for everything, but I'd rather not have to rename every tv show over 100 episodes

I am having trouble getting tv shows to scrape past episode 99 using absolute numbering
Lets take Dragon Ball Z for example. It has 291 episodes
all named as such
Dragon Ball Z - 001 - The new Threat
Dragon Ball Z - 002 - Reunions
all the way to
Dragon Ball Z - 291 - Goku s Next Journey

It scrapes fine until it gets to episode 100
using TVDB I get episodes 1-99 fully scraped
using AniDB I get episodes 1-99 fully scraped along with another 99 episodes which are 100+ renamed to episodes 1-99 giving me 198 scraped episodes
neither are accurate nor account for 291 episodes

I've searched all day and I cannot find any way to fix this. I've tested countless regex for absolute ordering but none of them give me episodes higher than a count of 99.

One of the simpler regex I've tried is
<tvshowmatching action="append">
<regexp>[\._ \-]([0-9]+)()([\._\ \-][^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \- ]()([0-9]+)(-[0-9]+)?</regexp>
<regexp>[\._ \- ]([0-9]*)([0-9][0-9][0-9])([\._ \-][^\\/]*)</regexp>
<regexp>[/\._ \- ]()([0-9]+)([0-9]+)(-[0-9]+)?</regexp>
and many 1 line regexp as well as whole downloadable text files
found here
and one other large one that I cannot remember where I got it.

Debug Log: ANIDB scrape -
Debug Log: TVDB scrape - (Had to cut into 2 since larger than 500 kb
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Does anyone have any idea on how I can get this to work?
This is really frustrating me.

Thanks in advance
I think there is finally a solution for this problem!

I managed to get all my anime's including those with more than one season recognized using this scraper! The only problem is that all the anime's are now in absolute order, witch can be a hassle especially with anime's like One Piece where you are looking for a certain episode. But beside that it works perfectly!

Here are a few screenshots to show that it really works:




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