Ultimate Cover Art - wwwr1db.com
Hi guys,

I thought I would pass this along just in case you don't know about it.

If you are looking for a fantastic site that has PERFECT & HIGH RESOLUTION cover art for movies, look no further than http://www.r1db.com.
One issue I see is that the covers are the front and back as one image. This is great if you want to print sleeves for illegally selling ripped movies, but I don't see how it would help us. They do have a nice poster and fanart section too though.
Actually, I download each of my choices, open up Adobe Photoshop Elements, and crop ONLY the front side. I am shooting on a 120" Stewart and the cover art looks FANTASTIC!!! Actually, it puts Kaleidescape to shame here!

I have been kind of disappointed with some of the images that the database downloads. BUT, XBMC allows me to change them to my own. Excellent!
It looks like you have to pay for them or something. I tried to read about their "credits" but it requires you to register first. Do you pay for those covers tmternes?
There is also this site - http://www.dvdcoversfuzion.com - looks quite good. $12 for 6 months, $20 for a year. Or you can earn credit by uploading scans / artwork that meets their requirements. I joined to take a look around - haven't parted with any cash yet though.
RockDawg Wrote:It looks like you have to pay for them or something. I tried to read about their "credits" but it requires you to register first. Do you pay for those covers tmternes?

Yes, you have to pay for credits, but it is CHEAP. Depending on how many credits you buy, each cover download can be as low as 5 cents US.

Trust me, I have looked everywhere, there are no better covers anywhere. The site is very strict about the uploads. They must be pristine in every way or they are not allowed.
S80_UK Wrote:There is also this site - http://www.dvdcoversfuzion.com - looks quite good. $12 for 6 months, $20 for a year. Or you can earn credit by uploading scans / artwork that meets their requirements. I joined to take a look around - haven't parted with any cash yet though.

Yes, I would say this site is excellent as well. A little bit of cropping in good ol' Photoshop, and you got great art for XBMC.

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