Weather Fanart in PM3.HD
Has anyone tried to use the weather fanart in pm3.hd?

From what I have read in this thread, it sounds like it is very possible. I am a little unclear at where you are to input the multiimage control though. Most of the talk was about Horizons.

If anyone has had success with it and wants to help me out, I would much appreciate it. Screen shots of what it looks like would be welcomed by all I am sure.
After some playing around with it, I have gotten it to work in the home screen of pm3.hd.

It is a very nice feature to have.
hi, care to share how you did it exactly?
thanks Smile
at the beginning of home.xml I made the multiimage tag for weather look like this...

- <control type="multiimage">

I placed the weather fanart pack on F:\Weather

Make sure that you have the option for custome background images turned on for weather or it will not display.
Do you set a path in the skin for the weather location? If so where to? Or do you just use the location in the Home file?
Every time I try to use the code above my home screen just goes black. I placed that exact code at the top of my home screen in Xbox. I tried changing the slashes \ and /

My images are stored F:/images/WEATHER
did you enable custom weather backgrounds in XBMC first:
Settings > Skin Settings > Background > Weather Button - Enable Custom Background
I have my custome weather option enable, but it is not set to my weather folder.

Also make sure you are using the latest t3ch release.
Images may need to be re-sized.Are you using the skin on Xbox?
Ah Im using the Tech release from 12-29-2008 that has custom backgrounds enabled, but might not support the condition. I'll give the newer one a try and see what it does.

Thanks guys.
This code worked a charm for me. Thanks to all, looks great!
Does this mod still work in XBMC 9.04 'Babylon'?

I messed up my .xml file and was wondering if people are still using this in the final Babylon release on their xbox?

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Weather Fanart in PM3.HD0
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