Reset Entire Library?
Sometimes my library gets messed up. I'll add a TV Show, click "Update Library," and it won't find it. There is usually some explanation (a common one is that it's new and doesn't have it listed yet), but it will never re-scan that file again, so it will never be added to library. It would be great if this was changed in the future, but it's far from urgent. There are two quick fixes that I can think of that would make my library work:

* Reset the entire library. Delete some file and have it scan every file again, retrieving all new data (yeah, it would take a while, but I would let it set overnight).

* Resetting individual shows. I have some experience with DBs, and wouldn't mind going into the appropriate table and deleting the entries for a TV show, so that it would think it's newly added the next time I "Update Library." This would be my ideal option, but I have no idea where to look for the list of scanned files.

Or, if you've got any other tips for my library, I'm all ears.

P.S. It would also be awesome to have the option to show a separate Library entry of "Unknown Shows," which would just show the files it has scanned, but found nothing for. (And, ideally, you could have the option to re-scan these for new info)

EDIT: I've found that the library is stored in userdata/Database/MyVideos34.db (I'm not sure if the number matters), but it appears to only include information currently in my library. Where does XBMC store the list of files that it can skip over when updating the library? Is it based on creation date/time or something?
1) Delete the corresponding .db file in userdata/Databases
2) Try the "Refresh" button in the info window of the item in question.

There is a hash stored in the db based on timestamps and filenames of directory contents which is used to determine if it needs rescanned.
althekiller Wrote:1) Delete the corresponding .db file in userdata/Databases
2) Try the "Refresh" button in the info window of the item in question.

There is a hash stored in the db based on timestamps and filenames of directory contents which is used to determine if it needs rescanned.

I deleted the videos .db file (with XBMC closed), started it up, did "update library," and it didn't find any files.

If it helps, I'm in Linux and checked it out of SVN on January 18 (#17141, if that sounds right).
If you killed the db you have to set content on your dirs again. Which is why it didn't find any files, how is it to know what to scan, you deleted it's list. "Update library" is only availble from in library mode, which, according to the code, you should have seen a warning since your db was empty.
althekiller Wrote:If you killed the db you have to set content on your dirs again. Which is why it didn't find any files, how is it to know what to scan, you deleted it's list. "Update library" is only availble from in library mode, which, according to the code, you should have seen a warning since your db was empty.

Thanks for the help. I followed these steps exactly:

- Close XBMC.
- Delete the .db file (I moved it to my home directory...close enough)
- Open XBMC.
- When I go to Videos, it's still in Library Mode from before, and it gave me an appropriate error message (something like "You don't have anything in your library. Go to file mode.")
- Still in library mode, I tried right-click >> Update Library, and it did nothing.
- I went to file mode, and my data sources were still there.
- I deleted my TV Shows source, re-added it, specified the content, and did a scan. It still found nothing, and Library Mode was disabled.
- Close XBMC.
- Restore the .db file (deleting the new, replacement one).
- Open XBMC, and it was the same as it originally was.

I didn't want to file a bug report, since I'm not really sure if this is unexpected behavior. I'll mess around with it some more tonight/tomorrow and see if I can get anything to work the way I want it to. Smile

Thanks again for your help.
There is no need to delete and readd your sources.
Please post a debug log from when tou are scanning (after setting contents).
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sho Wrote:There is no need to delete and readd your sources.
Please post a debug log from when tou are scanning (after setting contents).

After I delete the database?
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