(Russian Movies) Scraper
Can develpers of scraper can change actor img source from like to like Size of last img is higher and beeter look on tv

Уважаемые разработчики скрапера! Не могли бы вы поменять источник фотографии актера. Я так понимаю вы качаете из папки с название sm_actor, там находятся превью. На телевизоре они выглядят ужасно. Может можно использовать фото из папки actor, разрешение у них выше, и выглядеть они будут значительно лучше. пытался сам поменять, но увы не смог разобраться в структуре скрапера, и не нашел нужного места(
Yes, the UTF-8 problem is fixed is SVN. However, both poster and fanart don't work.
Please file a new bug report at
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Tested on MAC with a big library. Everything works fine with fanart and posters!

Hello guys!

Sorry for waking up the old thread, but I was hoping that somebody could help me with KinoPoisk...
For some reason I can't get any movie information via KinoPoisk at all. I'm running xbmc live. I've downloaded latest svn copy of the scraper and placed it in the /usr/share/xbmc/system/scrapers/video but when I try to search for something it always asks me to refine the title of what I'm looking for. It happens for both titles: Translist and Russian.
When I tried looking at the KinoPoisk.xml, all russian letters were replaced with some weird characters.

Any help is appreciated.

The new working version of scraper

- Posters from
- Posters from
- Fanart from
- Fixed loading of info about studios and roles.
- Hi res photo of actors.
- Fixed incorrect parsing of outline/plot
- Getting of the following information is added: <originaltitle>, <id>
Miracle Wrote:The new working version of scraper

- Posters from
- Posters from
- Fanart from
- Fixed loading of info about studios and roles.
- Hi res photo of actors.
- Fixed incorrect parsing of outline/plot
- Getting of the following information is added: <originaltitle>, <id>

Hi, yesterday I tested Kinopoisk 215. It went well, very much impressed! Just a note that there are some rare cases when actor thumbs are not accurate. For example a famous Russian male actor has a picture of a female. Is it an issue with the site or the scraper? I love XBMC.
Thanks, Alex
Hi guys,

You have to excuse my "newbiness", just installed XBMC on my Windows 7 HTPC. Can you please let me know how to install Kinopoisk 215 or any other scraper and integrate it with XBMC?

Also, what is actually the latest and best scraper for Russian moviesHuh

Thanks in advance!
Hi, I am running on Dharma Beta 1 on linux ubuntu karmic now.

Installed KinoPoisk addon, thru addon-manager, but i am getting the UTF-8 problem again, it seems. Movies and Fanart are found nicely, but all text is wrongly encoded and thus unreadable. I also tried, but no difference...

Did I miss something? Is there any solution / workaround out there?

Thanks a lot!
Why does my XBMC can not search movie titles in Cyrillic?

I tried to use KinoPoink with few Russian movies and it would not give me search results.

Also same thing with few TV-Shows in Cyrillic which are registered in theTVDB.
we can search in cyrillic just fine. make sure your ui charset is setup properly. this is in particular important if you have non-utf8 filesystems.
o.k., sorted it! didn't set charset to cyrillic(windows) when scraping. Now everything works fine...

Thanks a lot for the help, spiff!
spiff Wrote:we can search in cyrillic just fine. make sure your ui charset is setup properly. this is in particular important if you have non-utf8 filesystems.

Set my gui to cyrillic charset?

How can I make my XBMC use utf8? (I am using Linux)

Update: I change to Cyrillic (ISO and Windows) and both didn't work. Try to change to different skins, didnt work. Tried to install utf8 font, nope....
What can I do?
Which version of XBMC? At least Dharma-beta1 works fine in Windows, Linux, Mac OS X

kdar Wrote:Set my gui to cyrillic charset?

System -> Apperance -> International -> Character Set set it to Cyrillic (Wiindows)

kdar Wrote:Also same thing with few TV-Shows in Cyrillic which are registered in theTVDB.

In theTVDB setting set Language to ru
I update to latest XBMC 10.0

However, the movies which get scraped from KinoPoisk do not display cyrillic correctly.

However, the few Russian TV-showes which I scraped from TVDB display cyrillic just fine.

What is wrong?

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