Thumbnail (Cover Art) Dimensions...
Folks... I've been looking everywhere, so please forgive me if the answer to this question is RIGHT in front of my face somewhere.

I've found that some IMDB cover art is just not quite what I want in some instances so I want to create my own thumbnail/cover art for a movie.

Is there an optimal size for the thumbnail so it displays smoothly when it's large? I currently am creating custom thumbnails at 270x400, but it still seems a bit fuzzy. I'm not over-optimizing the images, so I tend to think there is a preferred size.

I use the MediaStream skin, so I display a large version of the thumbnail.

Any help is appreciated
Are you running on the Xbox or a PC?
Depending on what platform you are running XBMC will determine what thumbnail size you need. Also a factor is whether you are running in SD or HD 9720 or 1080).
ethan_9219 Wrote:Depending on what platform you are running XBMC will determine what thumbnail size you need. Also a factor is whether you are running in SD or HD 9720 or 1080).

It took me a moment to figure out what HD 9720 was. :p I thought I'd really missed the boat on something haha
I am actually running Plex (derivative of XBMC) on the Mac Mini at 720P
timdog82001 Wrote:It took me a moment to figure out what HD 9720 was. :p I thought I'd really missed the bought on something haha


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