[BUG] Weather Fanart Pack black screens
I have had the weather fanart pack installed and working great. I have been checking on it a lot and noticed at least two weather conditions that show only a black screen.

Light Drizzle
Rain & Thunderstorms

I installed the fanart pack as it was and only deleted a few images. I left them all the same size. I doubled checked and I do have images in every folder, so that is not the issue. I did not see these conditions on the .txt legend, so I assumed it was one of the folders that shared images from other conditions.

Has anyone else experience this? I am running tech svn17349 and PM3.HD on xbox.
somebody mentioned that before about light drizzle too (or maybe that was you?)
Yeah i posted it on trac, but it hasn't gotten any attention.

Just wanted to see if anyone here is experiencing something similiar.

If not I might do a fresh install with the new svn and see if it continues.
Are you running on xbox or PC? If on xbox, you might try resizing all the images to 960X540.
I am using it on XBOX. That was my next plan after trying out the new svn.

Just a lot of images to resize. It is strange, because all my fanart is that size or close and I have never had an issue with them or my other backgrounds on the main page of similiar sizes.
ekim232 Wrote:I am using it on XBOX. That was my next plan after trying out the new svn.

Just a lot of images to resize. It is strange, because all my fanart is that size or close and I have never had an issue with them or my other backgrounds on the main page of similiar sizes.

use irfanview to batch resize them all at once
I resized then down to 1280x720

I guess I have to wait for those weather condition to come back.

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