DVD Cover overlay with Highlite [Mod]
I have just started to use XBMC, and am by no means a XBMC skinner.... yet Smile But I am working on it.

That said, I just created a simple mod that will overlay a transparent PNG over the top of the DVD thumb, in the fanart view. This will make it look a little glassy, and rounded. It also adds the illusion of it being inside a DVD case with the black border around it. I tried it without the border, but the black background, where the rounded corners are, does not look so good.

This does not alter your cover images in any way, it just overlays the PNG with the black border over the cover to give it the glassy look. I am sure there are better ways to do this, but as this is my first graphic mod, I am not that familiar with the inner workings of XBMC as of yet.

Here is a screen cap of the overlay on top of the movie cover:

I thought someone else might want to toy around with it, and attached a zip file. In the zip is the ViewsVideoLibrary.xml (Renamed to ViewsVideoLibrary_OVERLAY.xml) *MAKE A BACKUP OF YOURS BEFORE YOU OVERWRITE IT ! *

You can create your own overlay PNG, and test different glass effects ect. If you come up with a better one, please post it in this thread Smile

I also turned off the toggle to keep the aspect ratio of the cover in the .XML, When it was on, the covers are even just a few pixels wider or taller ect, the image appears to "jump around" when scrolling through the movies. Turning off the aspect ratio seems to work much better, and all of my covers are pretty much in the correct aspect ratio given a few pixels here and there, so absolutely no noticeable stretching happens when viewing the covers.

It also requires the png image in the zip, and the path I have it set for testing is C:\temp\overlay2.png. You can open the xml and do a text search for "Cover Highlight overlay" (line 514) to see the section where you can change the path to the image nad put it where ever you like.

Hopefully someone can get some use out of this....

Oh, and by all means, let me know what you think! Big Grin

You can download it here
Windows 11 Pro / Intel i9 13900k with an RTX 4070/ 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / via HDMI to a 80" OLED TV / with just over 7,400 movies

Have you entered your 5 Movies? - Support themoviedb.org as THE best open source movie information site.
Nice little mod!

ThanksBig Grin
Very nice! I made an effort to get this working for cd's too with a cd case overlay, so i took your code and modified it a bit and applied it to ViewsMusicLibrary.xml.

I'm no skinner either, but i got this far:

Wow! That looks great! You should post the code changes and image you used here in the thread for others to use! I would love to have a copy myself as well Big Grin

If you need a place to store it, just use the same upload site I used above. Its simple, and no wait time, codes to enter ect to download the file.
Windows 11 Pro / Intel i9 13900k with an RTX 4070/ 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / via HDMI to a 80" OLED TV / with just over 7,400 movies

Have you entered your 5 Movies? - Support themoviedb.org as THE best open source movie information site.
Sure, i will. At the moment i'm still playing around with it, but is soon as i'm satisfied with the result i'll put up a download link.

Meanwhile i'm trying some different dvd covers, here's the one i like the most:

please share once you are satisfied, I love the dvd cover...
I'd better not hijack this thread any longer :-)
Results and download link can be found here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=46348
Yea I love these maybe JezzX could put these into the official PM3.HD?

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DVD Cover overlay with Highlite [Mod]1
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