PM3.HD Music Fanart problem/question
I hope this is the correct place to post this, as there is no "PM3.HD" thread.

I just downloaded the Revision 18218 SVN, and compiled / built the PM3.HD skin to get the Music fanart features that have been added since the Atlantis release.

When I go into Fanart view, the right container disappears completely. When you press up/down, the album title shows at the bottom of the screen. When it gets to the ".." (Up a dir), and I select it, the right dialog slides back into view.

I hav been learning the way the xml's includes and such function, but I have not been able to find the control (I think it's "Window_OpenClose_Right_Panel_Animation") that is closing/animating the dialog, but I can not seem to find the correct one, in which XML that is doing this at this location in the skin.

Here is what the screen looks like, showint the .. to go up a dir, at which point the right dialog slides back into view.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated!

Windows 11 Pro / Intel i9 13900k with an RTX 4070/ 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / via HDMI to a 80" OLED TV / with just over 7,400 movies

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If your still using the atlantis build your out of luck it doesn't support the new stuff needed int hat skin version
Figures... I have tried 10 different newer builds and none of them are able to import my movies into the library, it stalls and stops scanning at totally random points. The log shows errors when it stops scanning and I let it sit there for 4 hours one time, and all that was in the log was the error showing in the log being entered every 30-40 seconds over the course of 4 hours.

I opened a trouble ticket, posted various complete logs, created a copy of my file structure with 1k avi's & jpg's and uploaded that 32Meg file that others used to test with, even tried reverting back to XP on the HTPC. The problem was never figured out, so I just gave up and went back to Atlantis.
Windows 11 Pro / Intel i9 13900k with an RTX 4070/ 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / via HDMI to a 80" OLED TV / with just over 7,400 movies

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