[HELP] Tv Series season icons
With previous svn's I have never had this issue. I save all my tv series like so...

TV Series\Lost\Season 1

fanart.jpg in Lost
folder.jpg in Lost (series wide icon)

folder.jpg in Season 1 (Season dvd cover)

Typically my folder.jpg for Season 1 would show up when I scanned to the library, but not it is skipping that image and using the scraped one from tvdb.

I have read that you now need to rename it differently and put the jpg's in the series folder.

Season 1.jpg within Lost folder, followed by Season 2.jpg, ect.

Is this correct or does it need to be Season01, even if my folder is Season 1? Is jpg ok as well?
From the XBMC manual:

In the following example, the thumbnail will be used for the appropriate season in the Video Library season node. Where xx is 01, 02 etc.


For specials:


For the all seasons item:

I saw that in there. My main confusion is with the seasonxx. Does it have to match the way you type your season folders?

Season 1 = Season 1.tbn - will this work?

Or will season01, as the wiki states work no matter how you type your season folder?

Just trying to make sure before I go through and rename a large amount of files. Thanks for your help.
ekim232 Wrote:I saw that in there. My main confusion is with the seasonxx. Does it have to match the way you type your season folders?

Season 1 = Season 1.tbn - will this work?

Or will season01, as the wiki states work no matter how you type your season folder?

Just trying to make sure before I go through and rename a large amount of files. Thanks for your help.


Just a suggestion, but you could also export your library from XBMC and choose 'export to separate files' instead of export to one file and this will grab all of the tbns and nfo files for you for your videos
Might save you some time rather than renaming all of your files
Thanks for the suggestion.

After a few trials I got it going.

One last question...

In pm3.hd I like to use wide icons for my tv series icons, but then use posters for all the season with fanart view. So when I switch skins and they don't have wide icon support, my tv section looks terrible until you click into a season. Is there a way to support both posters and wide icons at the series leve?
ekim232 Wrote:In pm3.hd I like to use wide icons for my tv series icons, but then use posters for all the season with fanart view. So when I switch skins and they don't have wide icon support, my tv section looks terrible until you click into a season. Is there a way to support both posters and wide icons at the series leve?

Not that I am aware of, it would likely be a feature request to every skinner out there (so you may not have a lot of traction, really depends on the skinner's preferences).

I do seem to recall it being discussed here

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