How to remove right panel from view??
I am trying to remove the right panel from the Moviedvdview (id57). No matter what I seem to edit in myvideonav.xml, the right panel remains.

I have tried creating a 2nd right panel animation group to include only that view, but it did not work either.

If anyone knows a way to remove the panel in just that view I would appreciate it. Over all goal is to lower the wrap list and have fanart as the background. I had no trouble getting the left panel to animated like fanart view.

Much thanks.
find this in includes <include name="ContentPanel">
and add somthign like <visible>!Control.IsVisible(57)</visible

or if you just wan;t to slide it out like in coverflow view then edit the animations in MyVideoNav.xml 500 is coverflow view

<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="970,0" time="300" tween="quadratic" easing="out" condition="Control.IsVisible(500)">Conditional</animation>
Thanks for the reply. I did pretty much exactly that to get it going.

The next part I got stuck on is trying to cut down the height of the wrap list. When I adjust the height it will cut the bottom portion of the icons off instead of making the whole frame adjust. At the moment it just takes up to much of the screen for the look I am going for. I noticed the width will do the samething, but it works in my favor there.

I have played around with most of the heights in the code, but none seem to hold the bottom of the icon thumb list. Any suggestions on how to scale the frame of it all down?

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How to remove right panel from view??0