Well after 7 years of daily use my first chipped xbox has finally died. I've tinkered with it for 2 days and without some work on the motherboard I think it's finally gone. Sad

I recently purchased an HDTV Nod and was planning to move off the xbox in the somewhat near future, so my question is I think it's finally time to go the HTPC route. So rather than spending hours pouring over the various different forums, if any of you can point me in the direction of information around building a moderately priced HTPC (or your favorite alternative to run XBMC) I'd appreciate it.

(Still running XBMC on two SDTV/xbox's in the house but rather than going back to the xbox I think it's time to upgrade this one)
Just hit the support forums for w/e platform you plan to use and there should be a hundred or so HW threads that are more or less the same. Hooray for the internet, eh?

It's quite a bit to take in, but I learned a lot from this thread.. They make suggestions for entire systems.. Low end, mid range, high end.. with costs.. When I built mine, I think I found more info in this thread than anywhere else.. We had a lot of good years together, but I don't miss my Xbox one bit.. Big Grin
Tension113 Wrote:

It's quite a bit to take in, but I learned a lot from this thread.. They make suggestions for entire systems.. Low end, mid range, high end.. with costs.. When I built mine, I think I found more info in this thread than anywhere else.. We had a lot of good years together, but I don't miss my Xbox one bit.. Big Grin

Thanks that is a lot of info, but it looks like a lot of really good info. Thanks

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