[RELEASE] animefreak.tv (video) plugin
not working for me either, looks awesome though.
Big Grin 
Could another developer look into this plug in? it has a lot of great content that is organized well. I requested bluecop several times but have not heard back from him. Is this plugin working for anyone else? I'm on the June 1st build, but it wasn't working on the previous builds either. Thank you.
I have fixed the plugin for you guys.
You can re-install it using SVN Repo Installer.
I hope BlueCop does not mind.



I installed it with the latest svn. it shows the menus and submenus but that's it. Thanks for working on it.
the plug in is working!! sort of. most of the ones i've tried work. there are a few that don't like Bakugan and Initial D. so the paste bin from the my other post will apply since I was trying to watch Initial D with that one. Dragon Ball Z works. Are there others that are working for you and others that are not? Thanks for working on it.
I only fixed the existing code (regexp) - did not create totally new bits which are needed to scrape some of the urls (ie. Initial D is hosted on the megavideo, and some other video links are ciphered as mentioned earlier by BlueCop).

I'm a bit busy now-a-days, but if no one picks up from here I can TRY to do something about the above issues in two weeks.

ohh that's right. I forgot about that. Well at least some of them work so I won't be wasting time dl the videos for DragonBall Z. Hopefully someone pick's it up, otherwise look forward to hearing from you in two weeks. Thanks again.
Hey, Half of the content doesen't seem to play for me, some don't even give a "play/download" popup and some do but don't play at all, seems like some of the movie dir's don't show up at all, just get a python error, hope you can/know a way to fix it Smile the addon idea is awesome
I think it stated in the original release that it would have issues with videos it had to stream from mega video. unfortunately about half are from megavideo.
Well that sux since all the english dub anime plugins work so-so or not at all Sad and the veoh plugin isen't working either so thats about all the options i had Sad
where is the link to this download?
Its. in the svn repo under plugins. Also, thanks so much for this

It's a great plugin!! But I have some trouble. If I open any season of any catalog, then don't see anything (catalog is empty) or program automatically back to previous catalog. F.e. Open "animefreak.tv" plugin -> "Shaman King" -> "Shaman King episode 01" and then appear and disappear downloading window (it's very quickly). And I see episodes list again. Sad

Help me please. Where is my bug?

P.S. I can watch any anime from animefreak.tv into a Mozilla FireFox.
How can I get this plugin for XBMC Live 10.0??
I haven't looked at the site in a long time. I will try to see how much work it would be to get an addon going.

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[RELEASE] animefreak.tv (video) plugin0
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