[RELEASE] animefreak.tv (video) plugin
This addon would be great and much appreciated if looked at...the other one for AnimeFTW has left a sour taste in my mouth since it started charging a subscription for addon use.
I would love to have this, and much appreciated!
Another +1 for a plugin for Dharma!
Was this site always based around videos from Megavideo? Would you be able to grab the video from MV while bypassing the ~70 minute viewing restriction? 'Cause if you can, then a generic megavideo plugin would be quite special, as well.

EDIT: I take this back... it seems that the videos come from several sources which I can only imagine would make it a nightmare to attempt to pull videos from.
Big Grin 
Another +1 here too!
Please, an addon for AnimeFreak would be AWESOME!!!

Thanks heaps!

Would love for this addon to work kinda like the Icefilms addon as I have a ML acct. Big Grin
This is an old thread, but is this still working?

I would love saint seiya in there too.
BlueCop Wrote:I haven't looked at the site in a long time. I will try to see how much work it would be to get an addon going.

I'm brand new to the community, but I'm guessing that it would have taken much work. T'would have been great to have, but I can certainly appreciate when a project just isn't worth resurrecting.

Thanks for all the work you've done to improve the xbmc experience!

- Steve

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[RELEASE] animefreak.tv (video) plugin0
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