Music thumbnail question...
I have my music folder organized like so...


I have a fanart.jpg placed inside the artist folder and that has been working great. I just use a single folder to hold all songs under that artist since I have my mp3's organized very well through mediamonkey. When I info to get artist information I don't like the thumbs that come up from the scrapers, so I am looking to get my own. Would I store them inside the Artist folder as folder.jpg? Would this now be the artist image in the information screen?

Next question is if I would like to display that folder.jpg in an information bar could I use the following?

<control type="image">

It was originally <texture>$INFO[MusicPlayer.Cover]</texture>

I would like it to display my stored artist image. Any help here would be extremely helpful. Thanks.
1. Yes.

2. Nope. You need the path to the texture. This may or may not be doable, depending on how strict your file naming is. You could use Container.FolderNameAndPath or whatever it is to get the dir name, then append folder.jpg to it for instance. This would obviously only work for your particular filelayout, so should not be done in a skin that is to be distributed.

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Thanks for the reply.

In regards to number 2, my thoughts were that the dialog window for album information displays the artist image. When I tested the folder.jpg, it would put my folder.jpg in that window slot.

I looked through dialogartistinformation.xml and did not see any image controls that I thought were responsible for pulling that particular image. If you could point me in the right direction as to what is responsible for that image, I think it could also do what I am looking for. It seems like it first looks for a folder.jpg and then goes to the thumb from a scraper.

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