FanArt Backdrops Gathering
We've created a site to gather most of fanarts/backdrops we can find in different places on the web and most of them are from members.

Supported Languages:
English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Japonaise, Corean, Deutsh, Catalan.

Edit: Work Fine with Firefox and Ie only for now but forgot Ie Smile

This website is a webshare which allows upload unlimited file size.
At this time, this is still a beta but it will be upgraded and is already working good.
For now, you have to use firefox to be able to use all function it offers.
You can download with just one-clic action, other actions are available in contextual menu.

Visitors can upload but have limited right; no move or delete allowed.
We are now seeking for a manager, who will be give all access. This manager will take care of user's support(on this thread, suggestions available), organization (if needed), files deleting and moving.

By our side, we already have a manager who take care on those things on the french forum:'est-quoi/
but as english is a universal language, this thread will be the first place for suggestions and development.

all advices or suggestions will be welcome for helping on site organisation (which we consider it as preliminary sketch)

thanks to all.
Xbox Debug Kit + 2 Xbox Crystal / 2 ATV with Crystal HD => Many thanks to Davilla
Waffa Wrote:You're site is in English now (great,see all optionsLaugh) , my default language is Dutch.

Had something on my mind...
I like weather fanart did also create an add on pack and do have a lot of new pictures to create another add on.

Weather fanart uses folders like 00/01/02/etc.
With the add on pack I did wrote the weather condition behind it (00 Rain Lightning).
Did this because, you see which picture were to add and then copie/paste pictures into timdog's weather fanart pack.

Can you create something like:
Upload, you see weather condition, but if you download it as pack it would have the folder structure 00/01/02/etc...

Hope this is possible, won't have to create an other add on pack.
Just have to upload them and every body can download and enjoy updated Weather fanart.

Someone will answer
Xbox Debug Kit + 2 Xbox Crystal / 2 ATV with Crystal HD => Many thanks to Davilla
Just a quick note - the site doesn't work with the Google Chrome browser... Firefox was fine though.

stoli Wrote:Just a quick note - the site doesn't work with the Google Chrome browser... Firefox was fine though.


Yeah true, it's work with Firefox & IE actuelly. Forgot Google Chrome... for the momentBig Grin
First message edited. Thank you Stoli.
Xbox Debug Kit + 2 Xbox Crystal / 2 ATV with Crystal HD => Many thanks to Davilla
does anyone has take a look at it ?

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